Revision history for Perl extension Math::Base36.
0.10 2012-08-16
- Fix SYNOPSIS (RT #78790)
0.09 2010-12-06
- explicit use of of Math::BigInt to avoid confusing Devel::Cover
0.08 2010-12-06
- don't short-circuit encoding '0' so it gets proper padding.
0.07 2009-11-18
- repackaged with a new version of Module::Install
0.06 2009-03-18
- fix regex for input validation in decode_base36() (RT #44414)
0.05 2007-12-05
- set Math::BigInt prereq version so a more recent version is used w/ 5.6.x
0.04 2007-11-30
- add perl version requirement of 5.6.0
0.03 2007-11-30
- fix tests by using Math::BigInt (RT #15712)
- fix return from decode_base36() (RT #18347, RT #15712)
- switch to Module::Install
- dist cleanup
0.02 2002-02-17
- Fixed a dependency error.
0.01 2002-02-04
- base36_encode and base36_decode work, and can be exported.