Revision history for perl module CPAN::Changes

0.28 2014-06-10

  - Add "SEE ALSO" links to similar modules (RT #94636)

  - Use perl 5.8-compatible regex

0.27 2013-12-13

  [ Spec Changes ]

  - Bump version to 0.04

  - Allow non-"word" characters between a Version and a Date

0.26 2013-11-21

  - Fix reference issues when adding a release (RT #90605)

0.25 2013-10-08

  - Move Text::Wrap usage to proper module (Michal Spacek)

  - Typo fix (Karen Etheridge)

0.24 2013-10-07

  - Fix Dist::Zilla date parsing. Now puts timezone data in 
    note section (Github #17)

0.23 2013-08-14

  [ Spec Changes ]

  - Bump version to 0.03

  - Allow the "T" marker in W3CDTF to be omitted

  [ Code Changes ]

  - Be more strict about what we consider to be a Dist::Zilla-style date
    to avoid false positive matches

  - Update W3CDTF parsing to make the "T" marker optional (RT #87499)

  - Fix extra whitespace for empty values after version (RT #87524)

0.22 2013-07-30

  - Sync module versions (RT #87455)

0.21 2013-07-30

  [ Spec Changes ]

  - Bump version to 0.02

  - Added "unknown/dev" release date options (RT #67705)

  - Added optional release note (RT #69321)

  - Added another preamble example

  - Added a note about line length

  [ Code Changes ]

  - Require Test::More 0.96 (RT #84994)

  - Added --check and --help flags to tidy_changelog script (Gabor Szabo)

  - Properly parse multi-line preamble

  - Test::CPAN::Changes now warns about parsed dates not in spec-compliant form

  - Handle unknown/dev release dates and release note from new spec

0.20 2013-05-01

  - 'delete_empty_groups' shouldn't erronously delete default group 
    (Yanick Champoux)

  - Add tidy_changelog utility script (Yanick Champoux)

  - Minor pod fix

0.19 2012-04-30

  - Test::CPAN::Changes now accepts version entries ending in '-TRIAL' (RT
    #76882, Karen Etheridge)

  - releases() in CPAN::Changes also accepts entries ending in '-TRIAL'

0.18 2011-10-18

  - Expand changes_file_ok() to accept arguments so that a specific version
    may be checked (Ricardo Signes)

  - Add $VERSION to Test::CPAN::Changes so it plays nice with the toolchain
    e.g Module::Install::AuthorRequres (Dan Brook)

0.17 2011-04-21

  - Eliminate extra whitespace when release date is not defined (RT #67441)

  - Require 0.79, which introduced the $LAX regexp (RT #67613)

  - Add the option to sort groups (Yanick Champoux)

0.16 2011-04-12

  - Expose W3CDTF regex variable

  - Allow whitespace in some dates

  - Extract out valid W3CDTF portions from dates

  - Requires perl 5.10

0.15 2011-04-11

  - Handle more date/time formats during parsing

0.14 2011-04-11

  - Add delete_empty_groups() to and (Yanick Champoux) 

0.13 2011-04-04

  - Use's LAX regex for finding versions.

0.12 2011-04-04

  - Sort releases() by version first for greater consistency

0.11 2011-03-31

  - Parse the default Dist-Zilla date format (e.g. 2010-12-28 00:15:12 

0.10 2011-03-29

  - Be more strict about date validation in Test::CPAN::Changes

0.09 2011-03-29

  - Be more lenient when parsing dates. Timestamps (e.g. 
    Tue Mar 29 08:32:16 2011) are now parsed and converted to W3CDTF. (Fixes 
    RT #66862)

0.08 2011-03-14

  - Handle inconsistent indentation between releases

  - Be more strict about parsing rules for grouping lines

0.07 2011-03-03

  - Wrap version parsing in eval()

0.06 2011-02-15

  - Add proper version sorting via

  - Update dist manifest to include tests missing from previous releases

0.05 2011-02-13

  - Attempt to squash warnings for undefined dates and add rudimentary
    version sorting when dates are equal

  - Add support for a "next version" token (Yanick Champoux)

  - Proper definition of whitespace between version and date
    (Fixes RT #65678)

0.04 2011-02-10

  - Remove done_testing() from a test.

0.03 2011-02-10

  - Allow more than one space between the version and the date. The spec
    allowed for this, but the parser did not. (Dave Rolsky)

  - Handle the case where there is no space before the change marker
    correctly. (Dave Rolsky)

0.02 2011-02-08

 - Make tests compatible with Test::More that ships with perl 5.10.0
   (Fixes RT #65543)

0.01 2011-02-02

 - Initial release