Revision history for Perl extension Sort::Fields

1.002 2025-01-27T12:38:26Z
	* refresh distro and move to BRIANDFOY

1.001 2021-01-04T23:52:23Z
	* will shut down in March 2021, so it's a good time
	to give this module different meta data
	* brian d foy is maintaining the distro, but this is limited to
	making it work with current services. The code is all Joseph Hall's.
	No future development or features is planned
	* The is moved, with slight modifications, to t/test.t and
	* If you experience problems, report them in GitHub:
	* If you'd like to take over the module, open an issue.

0.90 - 1998-01-30
	* first reasonable beta version
	* incorporates a stable sorting option

0.01 - 1998-01-24
	* original version; created by h2xs 1.16