0.04 Sat Aug 2 07:39:54 CEST 2003
- The login page has changed. (Thanks to Sniper)
0.03 Fri May 30 12:13:56 CEST 2003
- Forgot to include the PREREQ_PM in the Makefile.PL
- The date of each statement is now YYYY-MM-DD instead of
0.02 Mon May 26 00:54:33 CEST 2003
- Fixed a really embarassing typo in the module name from
'Finance::Bank::BNPParisbas' to 'Finance::Bank::BNPParibas'
- Rewrote the web-scraping part to adapat the new bnpnet
0.01 Mon Oct 28 16:40:28 CET 2002
- Initial release