Revision history for RT-Extension-ActivityReports
1.09 2021-12-03
- Works with RT 5, but styling has not been updated to Bootstrap yet
1.08 2016-08-09
- Update style sheet locations and method call to load. Previous
code manually loading css in Head could cause insecure content
warnings for https in Firefox. To remove the warnings, you need
to delete the old files under local/plugins/RT-Extension-ActivityReports
before installing the new version.
1.07 2016-05-17
- Release version for RT 4.4
1.06 2014-09-30
- Prepend a missing WebPath
1.05 2014-07-14
- Updated Module::Install::RTx for better Debian compat and better
handling of user supplied paths
1.04 2014-07-09
- Fix missing WebPath
- Update for 4.2 compatibility
- Fix broken link in Tools menu
- 4.0 compatibility
- .10 and .11 are < the .2 which is on CPAN
- Removed a stray print statement
- improved CSS Styling for 3.6
- fix docs for 3.8 installation
- Added "Limit to user" picklist to the report limiting options
- Added some callbacks for plugin functionality
- Factored some common code into lib/RT/Extension/