Revision history for Perl extension DBIx::SearchBuilder.

1.80 2023-12-13
 - Add CastAsDecimal helper method

1.79 2023-11-27
 - Produce correct query hints

1.78 2023-07-05
 - Query the Count data if current page does not have any records
 - Require DBD::SQLite 1.60+ for combine searches

1.77 2023-06-30
 - Change how DistinctQueryAndCount builds query to fix sorting

1.76 2023-04-20
 - Call DatabaseVersion instead to make sure we already retrieved the version
   (this is to fix a possible uninitialized warning on disconnect)

1.75 2023-04-19
 - Log unsupported CombineSearchAndCount warning only once
 - Fix version comparison for MariaDB 10.10+

1.74 2022-12-12
 - Explicitly require version to make cpantesters happy
 - Require perl 5.10.1+ to not support derelict versions

1.73 2022-12-08
 - Remove very old CVS headers from files
 - Standardize whitespace
 - Remove an unused cache parameter remaining from a previous refactor
 - Update a test to work around a change in numeric values returned on
   Postgres starting in version 14
 - Fix a doc typo
 - Fix a bind value issue with Limit on Postgres
 - Disable finding count in searches for older versions of MySQL and
   MariaDB that don't support window functions (OVER)
 - Truncate values before checking for changes to fix a bug where
   values bigger than a column would be inserted even when they were
   not changed

1.72_01 2022-09-20
 - Simplify count's internal logic to always use the "count_all" key
 - Fix Count method to always returns count in selected page
 - Support search and count in same query
 - Redo search only if ORDER/GROUP BY is really updated
 - Add bind values support for LIMIT clauses

1.71 2021-09-24
 - Add dot to load utils in tests for perl 5.26+

1.70 2021-09-24
 - Enable queries processed with BuildSelectQuery and BuildSelectCountQuery
   to use bind variables

1.69 2021-01-20

 - New option to quote tablenames in queries, enabled automatically for MySQL 8
 - Updated tests for new MySQL 8 reserved words and tablename quoting

1.68 2020-07-06
 - Avoid segmentation faults on disconnect on MariaDB 10.2+

 - Add ->QueryHint and ->QueryHintFormatted to collection API for Oracle

 - No changes since 1.65_02

 - Stop unilaterally disabling the "UTF8" flag before executing queries
 - Make ->Fields case-sensitive in the column names it returns, as well
   as in the table name it takes.

 - Make ->Fields only lookup information on the table requested, not all
   fields, for performance.  It also is now case-sensitive in table name.
 - Omit calls to ->Fields entirely for PostgreSQL 9.1 and above

1.65 2013-07-03
 - Bug fix for DateTimeInterval extraction on Pg

1.64 2013-07-01
 - No changes since 1.63_03.  Simply a non-dev release of everything since

1.63_03 2013-06-14
 - warn when rollback and commit are mixed
 - Handle->NullsOrder
 - skip timezone tests on SQLite when tzinfo is not there
 - skip tests if mysql can not do timezones
 - DISTINCT argument in Join method
 - DISTINCT argument in Join and NewAlias
 - Reset the iterator position whenever a search is run
 - Return the correct record from ->Last instead of the first record
 - Document the caveat of using GotoItem with a non-zero N

1.63_02 2013-04-17
 - _Set now can take undef as argument to mean default or NULL. Still may
   result in error if default is not defined and no_nulls is true for the
   column. If old behaviour is required set $record->{'no_undefs_in_set'}
   to true value.
 - FUNCTION argument is now allowed in Limit. Code to combine FUNCTION,
   ALIAS and FIELD was refactored and unified in one place -
   CombineFunctionWithField method. Used in Column, GroupBy and Limit. This
   change should be backwards compatible.
 - Handle->DateTimeIntervalFunction

1.63_01 2013-03-27
 - IN and NOT IN operators in ->Limit method
 - Add an AdditionalColumn method to collections
 - Add an AS parameter to Column method in collections
 - Consistent query generation by sorting hash keys/values

1.63 2012-09-14
 - joins_are_distinct hint to indicate that distinct is not required for
   the current set of joins.

1.62 2012-03-26
 - Bind values were ignored in SimpleUpdateFromSelect

1.61 2011-09-16
 - New methods in Handle for mass changes from select statements:
   InsertFromSelect, DeleteFromSelect and SimpleUpdateFromSelect
 - New methods in Handle for generation of date time related SQL

1.60 2011-09-15
 - custom BuildDSN for Oracle
 - Database is treated as SID if SID is not provided
 - Build 'dbi:Oracle:<SID>' instead of 'dbi:Oracle:sid=<SID>'
 - changes in DBIx::SearchBuilder->Column method
 - complete documentation
 - support for empty FIELD argument
 - column naming fix when explicit ALIAS => 'main' passed

1.59 2010-11-19
 - DBIx::SearchBuilder->DistinctFieldValues method

1.58 2010-10-20
 - delete obsolete cvs metadata from a module

1.57 2010-09-04
 - INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: NextPage and PrevPage were adding rows from the
   previous page. Jesse claims that when he wrote this code, he  was 20
   years old and it seemed like a good idea at the time.
 - When logging queries, include full stack trace
 - support $sb->NewAlias( 'table' => 'LEFT' );
 - allow join to depend on nothing
 - catch cases when there are more closing parens then should be
 - Oracle: Use ROW_NUMBER() to propagate row ordering from inside the
 - Various performance improvements through small internal refactorings
 - Implemented 'sub Fields' on Oracle
 - unify case insensitive characters to avoid using LOWER() in some cases
 - We now RedoSearch when RowsPerPage is changed
 - No longer RedoSearch if FirstRow is called, but is not actually changed
 - Document all paging functions and test them
 - handle LOWER() in redundant LEFT joins optimizer, for Oracle and may be
 - Make debugging problems easier by passing errors back
 - fix Record->PrimaryKeys, field names in values hash are lc'ed
 - doc updates and cleanups

1.56 2009-07-17
 - Don't use LOWER/ILIKE with dates, heuristic is used, but shouldn't harm
   other things
 - Don't apply DISTINCT on queries with group by, COUNT(DISTINCT x) is
   different and covered in Column method

1.55 2009-05-07
 - Put test suite SQLite databases inside of tempdirs so they get garbage
   collected properly. Thanks to Andreas Koenig [ #41322]
 - Allow ->Join to pre-existing collection object
 - Imlement and test SB::Handle::Fields
 - Pg can not guaranty order in the following queries: SELECT ... FROM
   (SELECT... ORDER BY ...) we use them to build distinct sets with
   ordering by columns in joined tables. Switched to group by instead of

1.54 2008-07-09
 - When aborting transactions, we need to flush our cache, because SQLite
   is reusing the primary id for later inserts and the cache can otherwise
   become inconsistent.

1.53 2008-04-02
 - Fix mysql version check in DistinctQuery function
 - Fix order by outer column on Oracle
 - Improve tests

1.52 2008-04-01
 - Fix order by outer column on SQLite, mysql, adjust Pg. Add test that
   cover this.

1.51 2008-01-15
 - Fix CountAll method when paging is enabled and data is in memory already

1.50 2007-11-23
 - Oracle: Don't DISTINCT query when there is a group by clause
 - Fix a problem when we have more then two collections in a union and some
   of them are empty

1.49 2007-07-07
 - Fix a CPAN signature issue

1.48 2007-03-11
 - Fix a problem when left joins optimizer fails to calculate a boolean
   expression because of lower case aggregators.

1.47 2007-03-04
 - Do the search in unions only when we must do them, not on every call to
   the Next method
 - Don't index ex/ dir to avoid complains by the indexer of PAUSE/CPAN

1.46 2007-02-25
 - when doing a union, we need to actually search, rather than just doing a
 - add support for testing with Oracle backend
 - Use CROSS JOIN instead of ',' as SQL parsers in Pg and some mysql are
   buggy and cannot parse "FROM X, Y JOIN Z ON Z.f = X.f"
 - deprecate DEBUG method, it's still there but produce warning
 - fix CleanSlate method that was missing several keys
 - fix a long standing bug we had, we didn't write depends_on data about a
   join, so we could build queries with incorrect parens around join
 - fix default values for ALIAS1 argument in the Join method, istead of
   defaulting FIELD1 to 'main' value
 - fix a TODO test
 - internal refactoring of a storage for query's conditions, instead of
   building query strings right after the limit or join, we now build a
   perl structure
 - don't clone attributes that don't exists in the Clone method
 - we use Encode module without perl version check for a long time, so we
   can get rid of all checks for the version and load the module at compile
   time everywhere we need it
 - implement MayBeNull method in the handler that checks if applied
   conditions allow NULLs in the result set
 - implement cascaded LEFT JOINs optimization
 - additional tests for CleanSlate and Clone methods, ENTRY_AGGREGATOR
   argument, different types of joins and LEFT JOIN optimizer

1.45 2006-09-26
 - Postgres: fix "$rec->Create();"
 - Postgres: fix "$rec->Create( IntegerColumn => '' );"
 - Postgres: fix "$rec->SetIntegerColumn( '' );"
 - Postgres: add test
 - cleanup ::Record::Cachable
 - use cache in: $a->LoadByCols(...); $b->LoadById( $a->id );
 - add cache tests

1.44 2006-05-27
 - DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle::DatabaseVersion enhancements

1.43 2006-04-12
 - Fix to the sequence compatibility fixes. For backwards compatibility.

1.42 2006-04-10
 - Signatures fixed

1.41 2006-04-10
 - PG 8.1 sequence compatibility fixes from Daniel Tabuenca

1.40 2006-03-10

1.39 2006-02-16
 - Allow ORs on left joins

1.38 2005-12-29
 - Released 1.37 dev series

1.37_01 2005-12-08
 - Switched Postgres sequence lookups to use CURRVAL, rather than OIDs

1.36 2005-12-02
 - Change to how we resolve virtual columns to deal with a   "no such
   attribute" bug in RT

1.35 2005-11-02
 - Doc fixes and OrderBy cleanup from ruslan

1.34 2005-11-02
 - Clone support from Ruslan

1.33 2005-09-22
 - Better SQL statement logging from alex

1.32 2005-09-01
 - DBD::SQLite is necessary for the test suite to run correctl

1.31 2005-07-29
 - Updated MANIFEST to fix a build issue -  Thanks to Andy Lester and David

1.30_03 2005-06-09
 - Significant new tests from Ruslan Zakirov and Dave Glasser
 - You no longer need to explicitly bless a DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle
 - Start of a major overhaul of the subclass API for
   DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record objects. A new "schema" method will define
   the data in _ClassAccessible and also generate database schema using
 - for numeric types, make the empty check be "null or 0", not "null or ''"
 - New search tests from ruslan
 - added an init_data method to t/
 - CleanSlate doesnt init show_rows
 - CleanSlate doesnt clean _{open|close}_parens
 - get rid of stupid ifs in CleanSlate
 - get rid of evals in _DoSearch and _DoCount, use Handle methods to
   control DBI error handling
 - rewrite LoadByPrimaryKeys args handling to consistent with other Load*
 - report error when PK filed is missing in LoadByPrimaryKeys
 - fix warning in __Set methods when newvalue is undef
 - small code cleanups
 - test coverage grows from 75.2% to 84.7% for

1.30_02 2005-05-22
 - Lots of patches from Ruslan: First and main change is using of `goto
   &$AUTOLOAD` syntax, that helps avoid code duplication and hides AUTOLOAD
   sub from stack trace. I think  this also would help implement
   CompileAllAutoSubs method easier.
 - It's also one of the steps to better tests coverage.
 - Test coverage for grows from 66% to 75.2%.
 - _LoadFromSQL never reported error when PK fields are missed. Fixed.
 - fetchrow_hashref dies only when RaiseErrors is true, because we can
   control this from Handle obj so we should die according to
   $Handle->RaiseErrors property. Fixed.
 - When RaiseErrors is "false" then fetchrow_hashref returns undef and we
   should check $sth->err(see `perldoc DBI`). Fixed.
 - After call to fetchrow we should clean "fetched" internal hash and fill
   it only when we return successful result. Fixed.
 - If SimpleQuery fails, _LoadFromSQL method doesn't return any error
   message. Fixed.

1.30_01 2005-05-16
 - Patches from Ruslan to switch to using '' for our
   regular_case subroutine aliases

1.30 2005-07-28
 - Removed {{{ and  }}} fold markers. Patch from Ruslan

1.27 2005-05-08
 - Added supoprt for functions containing "?" to represent the parameter in
 - Added better support for functional columns in search listings and group
   by clauses

1.26 2005-04-17
 - Added support for expression based left joins

1.25 2005-04-09
 - Backed out a change introduced in 1.23 that caused table and column
   names to be quoted, causing Postgres to flip out.

1.24 2005-04-06
 - Added a new "SearchBuilder::Unique" module for uniquifying search

 - Now use DBI->quote_identifier to quote column and table names (Ruslan)
 - Test suite updates (Ruslan)

1.22 2005-01-24
 - Require encode since we require encode.

1.21 2005-01-22
 - Oracle LOB handling caused us to corrupt item values on update.
 - Just before inserting things into the database, turn off their utf8
   flag. The flag didn't have any positve impact _and_ it can take down
   recent DBD::Oracle releases. (This is a new failure in DBD::Oracle 1.16)

1.20 2005-01-18
 - Minor test suite fixes from Ruslan.

1.19 2005-01-08
 - Performing a search multiple times could result in multiple copies of
   records in a collection. Uncovered thanks to Kevin Chen and Alex

 - Release the changes from 1.17

 - Properly mark BLOB columns in UPDATE calls. (DBD::Oracle 1.16 broke
   without this)

 - Better handling of empty values for SB::Record::_Accessible. ( --Ruslan)

 - More record tests from Ruz

1.16 2004-12-09
 - Fixed a bug in D::SB::R::Cachable that could cause it to load the wrong
   row from the cache if you were loading by alternate keys and had since
   changed one of the attributes of a previous row.  This was unmasked by a
   bug that Ruslan Zakirov found in RT 3.3's custom field handling

1.15 2004-11-27
 - Fix a testsuite bug when DBD::SQLite isn't there

 - Silenced warnings about uninitialized warnings when inserting null cols
   into the database.
 - Started adding lowercase method name aliases
 - Minor refactoring of 'id' method for a stupid, tiny perf improvement
 - Refactoring of DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable for performance
 - Added a FlushCache method to DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable.
 - Started to flesh out a...test suite
 - SearchBuilder now truncates strings before inserting them into character
   types in the database as mysql generally does. Additionally, it
   truncates things at utf8 character mysql does not.
 - Fix for an undefined record cache warning on load from Autrijus Tang
 - Major documentation cleanups --Simon Cavalletto
 - A few tweaks to the ::Record class to eliminate the hard-coding of the
   name of the id column --Simon Cavalletto

 - Better error handling for some query build failure cases
 - Corrected query builder for SQLite
 - More refactoring.

 - When loading an object whose "id" has been altered, as in the case of
   RT's "Merge" functionality, the wrong object was returned by the caching
   layer. Special casing for the "id" method was removed.

 - Reworked the _Accessible mechanism in DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record to
   remove a horribly crufty old caching mechanism that created a copy of
   the accessible hash for each and every object instantiated, sometimes
   quite slowly.

1.10_04 2004-08-30
 - A query builder fix for an issue that bit RT2: Unsatisfied dependency
   chain in Joins Users_2 at
   /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.3/DBIx/SearchBuilder/ line 965,  line

1.10_03 2004-08-30
 - Cache Sanity fixes from Autrijus Tang <>

1.10_02 2004-08-26

1.10_01 2004-08-26
 - Reimplemented DBIx::SearchBuilder:::Record::Cachable to use
   Cache::Simple::TimedExpiry. This should make it faster and more memory

 - Identical to 1.10_05

1.02_03 2004-07-22
 - Additional bullet proofing for joins. Now we default to ALIAS1 being
   "main"  (

1.02_02 2004-07-20
 - Fixed a join bug that mostly manifests as a 'Dependency chain' error on

1.02_01 2004-07-07
 - magic _Object instantiation from
 - make SB::_Handle settable directly  (
 - document the above

1.01 2004-06-27
 - Releasing 1.00_06 as stable

 - Pg/Oracle: Don't attempt to do case insensitive comparisons on integer

 - Force utf8 flag on when doing searches for utf8 data; this is a
   workaround for DBDs that don't do it themselves.

 - Move Postgres specific join behaviour to the superclass so everyone gets
   the benefit.

 - Remove "AS" from table name aliases on joins, since Oracle doesn't like

 - Slightly cleaner code in SearchBuilder->GotoPage

 - Better handling of case insensitive comparisons on Postgres
 - Proper support for query paging on SQLite

 - Bundled changes from 0.98* and released production version
 - Removed duplicate code in cache expiry routines Experimental
   SearchBuilder::Union collection object.
 - Released at the YAPC::Taipei::22004 Release Party

 - New mysql/oracle "Join" code that allows more complex bundling of joins
   from Linda and Robert

 - New test infrastructure from Andy Lester

 - Better handling of != clauses on Postgres

 - Support for "Group By" clauses.
 - Support for delayed load of certain columns from Autrijus Tang.

 - Oracle doesn't support binary-safe clobs in a reasonable manner.

 - Fix a couple of spurious warnings in Record::Cachable
 - Records loaded from multiple-record searches were never cached
 - correctly

 - Releasing 0.96_01 as usable

 - Allow case-insensitive loading by columns in SearchBuilder::Record
 - Record::LoadByCols now lets you specify operator and values

 - Removed historical escaping for non-ascii searche queries

 - Fix for multiple handles in one app from Autrijus Tang

 - Added ODBC database driver from Autrijus Tang
 - Added the ability to sort on functions of columns from Autrijus Tang
 - Improved case-insensitve searching behavior for PostgreSQL
 - Added support for multiple handles in one app from Autrijus Tang (#4167)
 - Added initial Informix database driver from Oliver Tappe

0.92 2003-09-04
 - Fixed a bug that caused certain types of pre-canned table aliases to
   fail to work on join

0.90 2003-08-08
 - Disable Class::ReturnValue's stack trace feature as it interacted poorly
   with a stack containing lots of data

0.89_02 2003-07-19
 - Patch from Grant DeGraw to allow ordering by multiple columns.

0.89_01 2003-07-18
 - Patch from Brook for:
 - better oracle support
 - remove "SELECT DISTINCT" when it's not necessary

0.88 2003-06-23
 - More correct generation of "Distinct" keyword on counts for queries with
   left joins

0.87 2003-06-16
 - Changed DBIx::SB::Record::Cachable to expire cached object when a
   "deeper" method call changes their values

0.86 2003-06-07
 - Doing conditional connections was failing on postgres, because the
   handle was defined, but not connected

0.85 2003-06-07
 - Stan's destroy fix was actually badly breaking RT
 - It's now an optional parameter.

0.84 2003-06-04
 - Bumped the version for release

0.83_05 2003-06-02
 - Provide support for blowing away nested transactions that aren't yet

0.83_04 2003-06-02
 - Fixed how values of returned hashes are downcased.
 - Should be a minor perf improvement

0.83_03 2003-05-30
 - Moved Stan's destryo fix to the right file

0.83_02 2003-05-27
 - Better oracle support for unique ids on indexes from Brook

0.83_01 2003-05-27
 - Stan's DESTROY fix
 - Mathieu Arnold's patch to make function naming for autoloaded functions
   a bit more flexible

0.82 2003-05-19
 - Query builder changes to improve some join performance
 - Fixes to a tight loop for cache expiry

0.81_04 2003-04-14
 - Fixed a bug in "Distinct" logic introduced in 0.81_01

0.81_03 2003-04-13
 - Patches for Oracle BLOB support from Brook Schofield

0.81_02 2003-04-13
 - Rebuilt Postgres query generator.

0.81_01 2003-03-27
 - Select Distinct altered to support oracle

0.80 2003-03-08
 - Count method enhanced to ignore "LIMIT"s
 - LIMIT behaviour changed to be handle specific

0.79 2003-01-19
 - ReadableAttributes and WritableAttributes added as methods to

0.78 2003-01-16
 - SB->Count should return no results unless the search is limited
 - Eliminate a warning on empty searches

0.77 2003-01-15
 - No longer attempt to cache (and fail) objects that haven't been

0.76 2002-12-30
 - Extra checking for cache misses in DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable
 - The start of support for checking database version, so that we can do
   version-specific SQL
 - A patch from Autrijus Tang that allows utf-8 safe searching

0.75 2002-12-06
 - Applying a patch from Rob Spier <> which enables
   arbitrarily complex grouping clauses. It's a hack, but we love it least until SB gets redone with proper arbitrarily complex
   query generation.

0.74 2002-10-11
 - Adding support for mysqlPP

0.73 2002-09-10
 - More class-returnvalue ification
 - Fixed a caching bug that caused multiple copies of an object in memory
   to not be kept in sync

0.72 2002-08-28
 - Fixed bug in setting a column to the value of an SQL statement.

0.70 2002-08-27
 - Better support for Postgres 7.2 and transactions.

0.62 2002-07-05
 - Support for Class::ReturnValue to channel errors up when expected
 - Dependency on Class::ReturnValue
 - Minor cleanups and refactorings to allow percolation of errors on create

0.34 2001-05-23
 - - refactored to allow LEFT joins.

0.31 2001-05-12
 - SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable now constructs cache keys in a way that
   doesn't lose when records in different tables have the same keys.

0.30 2001-05-11
 - Added DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable from <>
 - Changed SearchBuilder->Count to do the right thing if no query has been
 - No longer specify a sort order if no sort order was specified ;)

0.01 2000-08-29
 - original version; created by h2xs 1.19