Revision history for App-Midgen
0.10 2013-02-22
- be tougher on edge cases checking in tests for lines begin with use
- stop looking when we have found a couple of files for a package name
- add a timer to add with perception
- tidy some reg-ex up, some pbp to boot
- adding twins checking
- lets do some composition composed methods
- handle a test output without a package name azawawi++ [0583fda]
- adjust test so that we don't duplicate recommends
- Output format various changes
- Update Changes and tidy
0.08 2013-02-13
- tweak the wiki page [582b3a1]
- tweak the POD for clarity [2b73d2f]
- remove autodie as WE are not doing any thing directly [d56e610]
- add test for use in an eval in testing [163576a]
- add test for use in an eval in testing add a second test for double to
complement single quote [4933099]
- add filters for the extra testing of t/ files to remove unwanted text
2nd go, still more to do [bed7915]
- pod pod pod, it's almost fun [5505f08]
- at last the test is 'not defined' as undef is ignored [73baf27]
- Update Changes [82b1ba4]
- Add some running comments [a895b67]
- Add a catch block [0f6f731]
- add dzil to roles [eff562f]
- Add an and move all output formats to it start of [7f85598]
- that's the ruff copy of main body output in [8deb173]
- that's double quoted the dzil module names done [588addc]
- spellcheck [dd315f7]
- Update Changes [16d9516]
0.07 2013-02-10
- Update Changes [d62fc0b]
- remove strictures [dd86b71]
- remove an unwanted dependency [5eaca1d]
- put a copy of pod in [4100b1a]
- bump to version 0.07 [1b1bcc4]
0.06 2013-02-10
- first pass of midgen against it's self, [6a37b2e]
- first attempt at a Role with the GetOpps Long cmd variables [61c8e11]
- Add noise control for PPI::XS test, we can't use it
as it has deperated calls [8f6d32e]
- encapsulated attributes [5efce18]
- cooking on gas, as it was, so we are working [722185f]
- add some encapsulated attributes to store our module and version info in
- run against self - update with minilist contents [3b18315]
- use block form -> map [feef369]
- add some error checking to out attributes [35180ab]
- add defaults to attributes [909ee9e]
- the out come of re-reading PPI pod, a tweak here and there [2331f55]
- Hack for use_ok in test files, Ouch! but working [57a93e9]
- opps duplicates. yuck, ok now [5c0d4df]
- the joy of re-factoring, fixing things that used to work :) [50e9caa]
0.05 2013-02-04
- Initial release. (BOWTIE)
- which is ver 0.05