Revision history for School-Code-Compare
0.005     2017-12-04 16:02:32+01:00 Europe/Zurich
 - auto generated META.json using dzil plugin [MetaJSON] (MANWAR)
 - explode dzil [@Basic] so that [GatherDir] excludes repo license
 - fix minor Kwalitee stuff (add use strict and warnings)
 - fix some minor typos in documentation

0.004     2017-11-30 09:55:14+01:00 Europe/Zurich
 - replace IO::Prompter with IO::Prompt::Simple (less issues on windows)
 - fix issue with user-interaction while reading from STDIN

0.003     2017-11-30 09:01:25+01:00 Europe/Zurich
 - documentation update: function docs for main lib
 - allow absolute paths for Template. System installation seems requiring this

0.002     2017-11-29 10:24:00+01:00 Europe/Zurich
 - documentation update, mainly for the script in bin directory

0.001     2017-11-27 22:25:07+01:00 Europe/Zurich (TRIAL RELEASE)
 - initial release