Revision history for Perl-Version-Bumper

0.157 2024-11-20 BOOK
    - First release, based on software originally developed at
    - This version contains over 100 extra commits on top of the code. They add a lot of unit tests, store the feature
      data in static table (instead of recomputing it using the running
      perl), which makes it possible to bump code to any Perl version
      using any version of the perl binary. (In other words, it's possible
      to bump v5.14 code to v5.20 using `perl5.12`.)
    - This version number is basically the number of commits that lead
      to this first release (if CVS could do it, there's no reason I
      can't do it either). I want to get to 1.000 soon, and need to stop
      perfecting this before doing the initial release. 😅