Revision history for Perl extension FCGI-Engine
0.20 Mon. Feb. 25, 2013
- Use Config to find perl to run RT#69473
0.19 Wed. Oct. 5, 2011
- Fix tests to not fail when MooseX::NonMoose
isn't installed.
- exit 0 without writing a Makefile.PL rather than dieing
with an error code. exit(0) preferred by the toolchain.
- Add FCGI::Engine::ProcManager::Constrained subclass to manage
restarting children on over-memory or after a certtain number
of requests.
0.18 Mon. Nov. 15, 2010
- fixing the plack -E flag (it changed)
- changing plackup usage to --daemonize
instead of --detach (it is more useful
this way)
- changing plackup usage to --pid instead
of --pidfile (also more useful this way)
- added optional --workers to plackup server
manager as an alternate to --nproc. this
makes it possible to use it with Starman,
and other plack backends too.
(^^ all these changes above thanks to bricas)
0.17 Tues. Oct. 12, 2010
- fixing the TCP --listen option to follow
the correct :<port> format (thanks to
Andreas Marienborg for spotting this)
0.16 Sat. July 10, 2010
- Fix bug: Exiting subroutine via next in
ProcManager (fixed by Johannes Plunien)
- add new attribute 'use_manager' so the
ProcManager can be used even if you're
not listening (thanks to Johannes Plunien)
- added tests for this as well
- updating the Plack tests to work with the
latest plack and it's Lighttd fixes
0.15 Sat. April 17, 2010
- fixing Plack support to work with the latest
Plack version
- changed Plack::Server:: to Plack::Handler::
- Plack::Server:: is deprecated and will
be removed in subsequent releases
- adjusted tests to use Plack::Handler::
- updated FCGI::Engine::PSGI to more closely
follow what is in Plack::Handler::FCGI
0.14 Mon. Feb. 22, 2010
- updating copyright on all files
- updating some test files to require YAML::XS since
YAML and YAML::Syck are not the suggested YAML parser
for Config::Any
- thanks to Justin "arcanez" Hunter
0.13 Thurs. Dec. 31, 2009
- fixing test files that were causing false
CPAN Tester failings (Jay Shirley)
- pushed all dependencies up to the latest
versions, might also help some odd CPAN
Tester failures
0.12 Tues. Dec. 29. 2009
+ FCGI::Engine::PSGI
- run PSGI applications using FCGI::Engine
- added tests for this
+ FCGI::Engine::Core
- base class for FCGI::Engine flavors
* FCGI::Engine
- refactored to use FCGI::Engine::Core
+ Plack::Server::FCGI::Engine
+ Plack::Server::FCGI::Engine::ProcManager
- subclasses to make it easier to use the
FCGI::Engine::ProcManager with your Plack
based application
- added tests for this
* FCGI::Engine::Manager::Server::Plackup
- this now uses Plack::Server::FCGI::Engine
by default (can be overriden with the
'server_type' option)
0.11 Thurs. Dec. 10, 2009
+ FCGI::Engine::Manager::Server::Plackup
- added support for running Plack based apps
using the FCGI::Engine::Manager controls
- added tests for this
- NOTE: we do not depend on Plack, you are
expected to have it installed if you use
this module.
* FCGI::Engine
- adding some more PATH_INFO and SCRIPT_NAME
fixes found in Catalyst::Engine::FastCGI
and Plack::Server::FCGI
0.10 Fri. Aug. 7, 2009
* FCGI::Engine::Manager
- fixing broken call to remove pid object
in start (when a pid file exists but the
server is not running)
0.09 Sat. July 18, 2009
* FCGI::Engine::Manager
- fixing broken call to remove pid object
in graceful restart (arcanez)
0.08 Sun. Mar. 8, 2009
* FCGI::Engine::Types
- fixing this to work with the latest Moose
as well as older Moose
* FCGI::Engine::ProcManager
- removed usage of MooseX::Params::Validate
0.07 Tues. Feb. 24, 2009
- Getting rid of the Mac resource forks (steve jobs--)
0.06 Tues. Feb. 24, 2009
- Fix so start doesn't start another set of procs (marcus)
- Add graceful method to do a restart with start
before killing old processes. (marcus)
- Don't stop all servers if a server fails to start. (marcus)
0.05 Sat. July 12, 2008
* FCGI::Engine::Manager
- added restart feature (thanks to Brian Cassidy)
- added tests for this
- added ability to start, stop and restart individual
servers within the conf (thanks to Brian Cassidy)
- added tests for this
- fixed my ugly hack of a ->status method
(thanks to Brian Cassidy)
- added tests for this
- tweaked the SYNOPSIS to provide a better example
of usage (also thanks to Brian Cassidy)
0.04 Thurs. July 10, 2008
- upped the MooseX::Getopt dependency since the
old version was causing a test failure in certain
* FCGI::Engine
- added docs about our usage of CGI::Simple (RT #35786)
- added docs about usage with Catalyst (RT #34488)
- added the handler_args_builder option to make
it easier to override the default arguments passed
into the handler_method (RT #33885)
(thanks to Bradley C. Bailey for the idea and initial patch)
- added tests for this
* FCGI::Engine::Manager
- added docs about usage with Catalyst (RT #34488)
- added example of the config file
* t/
- fixed the FCGI::Engine::Manager test to make sure there
is a YAML parser available for Config::Any to use.
0.03 Sun. Feb. 3, 2008
* FCGI::Engine
- handler_method was not being used properly
to dispatch with (reported by Reed A. Cartwright)
- added tests for this
- %additional_options can now be passed to run, which
will then be passed to both the pre_fork_init sub and
the proc_manager's constructor
- added tests for this
- handler_class can now also be an instance if nessecary
(thanks to Chris Prather)
* FCGI::Engine::ProcManager
- added the manager_process_name and the process_name
options to allow custom process naming
- added test for this
0.02 Fri. Jan. 11, 2008
- fixing dependency issues
0.01 Fri. Jan. 11, 2008
- hello world