Revision history for filename.
v0.20.060 2020-02-29
- Require 5.12, as 5.10 appears to have issues.
- Improved tests, which might be able to pass or skip on MSWin32.
v0.20.022 2020-01-22
- Handle refs in @INC.
- Minimum Perl is now v5.10.1.
- Fixed mistakes in test methodology.
- Fixed the errors those corrected tests found.
- Use Array::RefElem::hv_store() to populate undef in %INC when needed.
v0.20.010 2020-01-10
- Use locale to fix issues with $!.
- Fix $VERSION for older Perls.
v0.20.009 2020-01-09
- Added even more tests.
- Use File::Spec to check for absolute file names.
v0.20.008 2020-01-08
- Updated code/tests to pass on many more Perls, and for edge cases.
v0.20.007 2020-01-07
- Initial release