Revision history for Datify.
0.18.348 2018-12-14
- Handle Perl 5.14 correctly (5.14 does not have fc()).
0.18.347 2018-12-13
- Changed comaprisons in is_numeric() to not use regular expressions,
and be accurate for various representations of nan, inf, and -inf.
- Improved handling of characters, so that UTF-8 and UTF-16 can be supported.
- It turns out that reftype reports back 'REGEXP', not 'Regexp'.
- RANT: That's not documented anywhere that I can find.
- Reduced requirement for Datify::Path from Perl v5.18 to v.5.14.
0.18.279 2018-10-06
- Changed _encode() to accommodate UTF-8 and UTF-16 encoding.
0.18.277 2018-10-04
- Added META.json
v0.18.270 2018-09-27
- Changed keyify() to format numbers with numify(), rather than as strings.
- Added Datify::Path, for outputting data like filesystem paths.
- Changed Datify encode to use "byte" and "wide" rather than 255 and 65_535.
- Added functionality to filter hash entries and object attributes.
0.14.163 2014-06-12
- Updated to use several Dist::Zilla features and plugins.
- Improved documentation.