Revision history for Perl extension Net::SSH::Expect.
1.02 2007/08/03
- API changes:
- waitfor() does not returns in list context anymore, it only returns boolean.
- created methods before(), match() and after() to get the info about the match
operation done by waitfor().
- waitfor() accepts the optional paramenters '-re' and '-ex' to say if string
must be matched as a pattern or literal string.
- Bug fix:
- peek() now will run a new expect() if it detects that there is data on
$exp->after(). This wasn't done before. Without it peek() could print data that
is not in the expect accumulator anymore.
- Implementation improvements:
- created a _secExpect() method, stands for "secure expect". It replaces expect().
It croaks according to the errors it finds when it is reading from the input stream.
All the methods that used to run expect() directly now run _secExpect().
- Documentation improvement.
1.01 2007/08/03
- Documentation improvement.
1.00 2007/08/02
- Implementing a total new API. Many old methods dissapeared and new methods appeared.
Some methods were kept but were rewritten.
This was to make the module more flexible and open to a broader range of usages as people
on the internet required.
0.08 2007/07/09
- fixed the RemotePromptUnavailable in the connect() method using a fix in the prompt pattern
The fix was found sent by, thanks.
- added the "collect exit code" feature.
- added the last_exit_code() and the collect_exit_code() methods.
- added the collect_exit_code and collected_exit_code attributes.
0.07 2007/07/06
- fixed the bug to set the remote prompt in the connect() method by putting the pattern
[\s\S]+ in the expect that swallows the remote prompt
while ($ssh->expect($timeout, '-re', qr/[\s\S]+/s)){
# First we swallow any output the SSH server put on the tty after the logon. This is
# usually the original remote prompt that we want to substitute.
- added the new constructor options that configure the Expect object:
exp_internal debug
- removed the 'verbose' attribute replacing it by two more specific attributes
verbose_ssh and log_stdout
0.01 Tue Jun 26 15:27:49 2007
- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
-XA -n Net::SSH::Expect