Revision history for MojoX-Session-Store-Redis

0.07	Mon Nov 12 17:53:22 CST 2012
	added: auto purge from redis at expire
	added: auto_purge flag
	change: use redis hash instead of 3 different keys
	dependency change: JSON instead of JSON::XS

0.06	Sat Nov 10 12:53:10 CST 2012
	added: redis db id selection
	added: encode/decode data to/from JSON
	added: CREDITS section
	added: dependency: JSON

0.05	Fri May 25 05:43:45 CST 2012
	Bugfix: POD syntax error
	change to ExtUtils::MakeMaker

0.04	Fri May  4 10:39:34 CST 2012
	Bugfix: compile error
0.03	Thu Sep  8 18:02:33 CST 2011
	Fix nonsense function

0.02	Thu Sep  8 10:31:27 CST 2011
	Fix document bug

0.01    Date/time
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.