Revision history for Perl extension Starch-Store-CHI.
0.05 2019-03-02T17:59:26Z
- Declare deps as modules, not distros.
- Remove typo Carp::Interal, which isn't necessary anyways.
- Require perl 5.8.1.
- Simplify VERSION declarations.
0.04 2019-02-18T05:55:48Z
- Fix cpanfile for Test2::V0.
- Migrate build tooling from Dist::Zilla to Minilla.
0.03 2015-07-27
- Updated docs to recommend that CHI be configured to throw exceptions instead
of logging them.
- Properly extend the BUILD method.
0.02 2015-07-21
- Better Carp caller reporting.
- Fix Type::Tiny union constraints sometimes failing on Perl < 5.14.
- Fix several dependency issues.
0.01 2015-07-16
- First version.