Revision history for perl module Lingua::JA::Name::Splitter
0.11 2023-07-04
* Update Enamdict to the latest version
0.10 2023-07-03
* Added repetition mark (rafork@github) and shime
* Rebuilt probabilities from latest enamdict
0.09 2017-07-29
* Links in documentation
* "split_kanji_name" no longer croaks if not called in array context
* Better validation of input in "split_kanji_name" and "split_romaji_name".
0.08 2017-01-28
* Documentation
* Data update
0.07 2014-02-08
* Add minimum Perl version to "Makefile.PL"
0.06 2013-11-28
* Fix bug for two-character names (family & given reversed)
* Add "Changes" to distribution.
0.05 2012-05-25
0.04 2012-05-22
0.03 2012-05-22
0.02 2012-05-15
0.01 2012-05-15