0.34_01 2021-07-15
* Fix a problem with blessed values (blessed numbers have quotes added)
0.34 2021-05-01
* Add newlines after isolated scalars, so
create_json (undef, indent => 1) becomes "null\n" not "null"
* Indent/sort added to create_json for pure-Perl version
0.33 2021-04-29
* Allow parallel testing
* Better handling of string/double/integer scalars
0.32 2021-02-22
* Remove debugging fprintf accidentally sent to CPAN
* Fix for PP for older versions
0.31 2021-02-11
* Rename "run" to "create"
* Implement downgrade_utf8 in the PP (Pure Perl) version
* Add native booleans (JSON::Create::Bool) for this module
0.30 2021-01-04
* Add write_json method based on File::JSON::Slurper
* Change create_json and the set method to be in XS for better
* Update documentation
0.29 2020-12-24
* Allow options in new, create_json, and create_json_strict
* Add "set" to set most of the options
* Add sorting of indented output by key
* Add user-defined sort
0.28 2020-11-24
* Test context-dependent variables & use numerical part only if valid.
0.27 2020-11-22
* Add indentation of output
* Use integer not string for all context-dependent variables
0.26 2020-11-22
* Use string with quotes for integer context-dependent variables
0.25 2020-02-14
* Bug fix for uninitialised arrays
0.24 2017-06-13
* Windows compilation
0.23 2017-06-06
* Update PP module
* Update documentation links to metacpan
0.22 2016-07-15
* Handle strings with leading zeros which look like numbers.
0.21 2016-06-28
* Tests changed for Perl 5.25 regex changes.
0.20 2016-01-23
* Add a "strict" mode
0.19 2015-12-31
* Better documentation of Unicode handling.
* Unicode upgrade applied for callback return values.
* UTF-8 check applied for callback return values.
0.18 2015-12-30
* Better documentation of Unicode handling.
* Add "downgrade_utf8" method (experimental).
0.17 2015-12-29
* Add handlers for NaN and infinity.
* Documented how to remove values set by obj_handler or type_handler.
0.16 2015-12-26
* Change required version of JSON::Parse to 0.38.
0.15 2015-12-24
* Test repo is updated correctly.
* Added response to dishonest review of module.
0.14 2015-11-08
* Returning the undefined value causes a halt of execution
* Validates four byte UTF-8 correctly
* Pure Perl module now fully compatible with XS module.
0.13 2015-11-07
* Add "obj_handler" method which hands all objects to the user
* Load PP module if XSLoader fails
0.12 2015-11-02
* String processing improvements
* Fix bug in JavaScript escaping
* Fix bug in 4-byte UTF-8 strings
* "replace_bad_utf8" method added.
0.10 2015-11-02
* Implement more complete Unicode support, including validation.
* Dereference behaviour for objects changed.
* Optional reference handling
* "validate" method now warns rather than croaking.
* Backtracing removed for user input errors.
* Remove regexp and code reference handling in favour of general
ref_handler method.
* Add "fatal_errors" method to change behaviour to/from dying on
0.09 2015-10-31
* Deal better with references containing numerical and string values
0.08 2015-10-30
* Disable compatibility testing against Mojo::JSON.
0.07 2015-10-29
* More flexible formatting for floating point numbers
* Experimental support for booleans
* User option to escape / into \/.
* User-generated JSON callbacks
* Validation of user-generated JSON
* Boolean round-trips with JSON::Parse 0.37
0.06 2015-10-27
* More tests and benchmarks for floating point
* Fixes bug with ASCII control characters
0.05 2015-10-26
* Handling of NaN, negative and positive infinity via
* Removed dereferencing behaviour for objects.
* Documentation clarifies some behaviours and performance.
* Further performance wrangling for integers.
0.04 2015-10-22
* Performance increases for output of strings and integers
* Partial Unicode handling added
0.03 2015-10-21
* JSON::Parse changed from prerequisite to test prerequisite .. and back
* Handle magic and blessed types slightly better (work in progress)
0.02 2015-10-20
* Undefined values are now printed as "null"
0.01 2015-10-18
* Initial version released to CPAN