Revision log for Perl module "Image::CairoSVG"

0.13 2021-04-26

- Support stroke-linecap and stroke-linejoin attributes

0.12 2021-04-05

- Support named colours using Graphics::ColorNames::WWW

0.11 2019-07-08

- Bug fixes

0.10 2019-07-06

- Handle "polyline" instructions
- Bug in handling of hex colours fixed

0.09 2018-10-11

- Return value of "render" is now set correctly
- Warning if both "surface" and "context" specified in "new"

0.08 2017-08-14

- Add ability to read from a scalar containing XML to render
- Documentation improvements

0.07 2016-12-15

- Add svg2png script
- Fix bug about reading viewBox attribute values for width and height

0.06 2016-09-22

- Use black as default colour for fills
- Get image width and height from the SVG file
- "render" now returns a value, the surface drawn into

0.05 2016-09-15

- Fix documentation errors
- Add a better example including an image for HTML rendering.

0.04 2016-01-07

- Additional entries in SEE ALSO
- Tidy

0.03 2015-11-06

- Clean up tests and documentation
- Image diff disabled due to changes in Cairo rendering

0.02 2014-05-22

- Arc rotation (x axis rotation) added
- "See also" expanded

0.01 2014-05-21

- Initial version