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Revision history for Perl module Mojo::WebSocketProxy

0.08      2018-07-09 10:08:29+08:00 Asia/Manila
    - Fix Changelog

0.07      2018-07-06 13:11:47+08:00 Asia/Manila
    - Add warning with transaction details failure, if available.
    - Don't bother removing args from req storage after SanityCheckFailed.
    - Normalise received JSON via NFC
    - Add binary_frame hook to capture binary uploaded data.

0.06      2017-06-01 03:05:17+00:00 UTC
    This introduces support for callbacks which return Future instances,
    allowing for deferred processing when the before or after hooks need
    to perform I/O before returning a result.

0.05      2017-05-01 06:30:16+00:00 UTC
    - remove Data::UUID

0.04      2017-02-21 02:16:06+00:00 UTC
    - Switch to dzil

0.03 Thu Jun  9 15:50:00 2016
    - Use before send hook to check response size

0.02 Thu Jun  9 09:28:00 2016
    - Minor fixes

0.01 Thu Jun  2 06:02:18 2016
    - First version, released on an unsuspecting world.