Revision history for Perl module Mojolicious::Plugin::RoutesConfig
0.07 27.05.2021 (чт) 10:48:55 EEST
Made the pluging compatible with Mojo 9.18+.
Removed dependency Mojolicious::Plugin::PODViewer
0.06 чт фев 28 20:57:21 EET 2019
- No functional changes. Fixed failing tests due to outdated dependencies.
Upgraded to Mojolicious 8.13 and now depending on
Mojolicious::Plugin::PODViewer 0.004 just because...
- Improved documentation. Added link to Slovo - a mojo application, which
uses this plugin.
- This version was made in Check-Point Charly restaurant, Sofia, Bulgaria
while waiting for some old schoolmates.
0.05 сб апр 7 19:08:16 CEST 2018
- Now "under" is fully supported. It accepts all the methods as keys
(e.g. "name", "to") like other ordinary routes.
0.04 вт мар 20 23:33:29 CET 2018
- Now "under" is recognised too and has its own "routes =>[]" array. See
t/blog/etc/complex_routes.conf for example.
- If parameters are a reference to CODE it will be executed and whatever it
returns will be the parameters for the respective method.
0.03 пт мар 16 23:45:07 CET 2018
- Improved documentation.
- Added tests for parsing routes.config files, generating routes and making
requests to those routes.
- Improved Makefile.PL.
0.02 пт мар 9 18:07:26 CET 2018
- Added test application. Added MANIFEST.SKIP
0.01 Wed Feb 28 23:58:54 2018
- original version; created by ExtUtils::ModuleMaker 0.56