Revision history for Perl extension Date::Object.
Maintained by <>

0.01  Wed Apr  4 23:42:48 2001
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.20 with options
		-n Date::Object

0.02  Wed Apr 5 23:00:00 2001
	- implemented most of the core features.
	- Created the Delta object
	- Abstraced the Constants class

0.03  Wed Apr 6 12:00:00 2001
	-Added documentation
	-Fixed minor bugs	
	-Change the format of Delta to months and seconds only.
	-Fixed a bug when comparing 2 dates where one is dst the other std, it would return a missing hour.

0.05  Wed Jun 5 12:00 2001
	- CPAN release, minor bug fixes.

0.06  Saturday Jul 8 2:00 2001
	- Implemented the Range object for handling ranges with dates and deltas.
	- Fixed a problem in Add() when encountering a date that's the last day of month. No idea how that
	got in here. (Thanks to Fraser Speirs for this bug)
	- Allowed divisions of Delta when they are expressed in the same units.
	- Added ApproximateInSeconds() method to Deltas.
	- IMPORTANT API Change: Month() method now returns a 1 based value like the others.
	- Some new tests in make test.
	- Added a DEFAULT_TIMEZONE constant for when no tz is passed to the constructor.
	- Moved documentation to Handler.pod
	- Some documentation updates concerning the constructor

0.07 Sun Jul 11 3:52PM 2001
	- Moved Range documentation to
	- Some documentation update in Handler.pod
	- Fixed a problem in Range objects when passing 'BACKWARDS' or 'FORWARDS' to the Direction() method.

0.08 date Jul 15 2001 
	- Fixed inheritance problem in Date::Handler::Add()
	- Fixed inheritance problems in Date::Handler::Sub()
	- Fixed inheritance problems in Date::Handler::Incr()
	- Fixed inheritance problems in Date::Handler::Neg()
	- Fixed inheritance problems with Delta objects
	- Now support for classic style argument passing in constructor, thanks to Roland Rauch <> for the spot
	- Added contributors in Handler.pod.

0.09 Aug 29 2001
	- Implemented support for localisation using POSIX setlocale().
	- Documentation update for localisation support
	- Test cases name change to be more representative