Revision history for Perl extension DBIx::Sequence.
0.01 Thu Sep 21 15:04:16 2000
- original version;
0.02 Thu Jan 26 3:39:12 2001
- Implemented multiple datasets
- Deprecated the Dataset() method.
0.03 Thu Jun 1 00:01:11 2001
- Rewrote Makefile.PL using Getopt::Long
- Moved down state_table and release_table as new() options with defaults
- Some fix of the code where dataset name was not passed to CreateDataset
- Changed module name from DBI::Sequence to DBIx::Sequence as per DBI-dev request
- Official CPAN Release
0.03 Tue Jun 6 10:55:12 2001
- Fix in Makefile.PL to populate $config->{user} down to the tests
- Fixed gozer's and peanut's email addresses in the credits.
- Cleaned up output of the tests, less messy.
- Added a small performance test to give an idea of the speed on the current host.
- Automatic README and README.html generation on make dist.