Revision history for Perl extension Apache::AuthCookie.
- now uses $r->prev to get authtype and authname, so it
doesn't have to be in the same hierarchy as the proctected docs.
Thanks to Liam Kirsher <> for spotting this.
- Steve Shreeve <> tracked down a segv
from $r->err_header_out("Location"... I never could reproduce
this, but he said this $r->header_out("Location"... worked.
- Fixed typo pointed out by Nate Wilken <>
- Changed directory eg/sample to eg/unprotected for compatibility
with windows pointed out by Nate Wilken <>
- Make synopsis access control params match the example. Pointed
out by
- Fix error where the cookie wasn't printed when debugging was
turned on.
- Consistantly treat the session key as a string. This meant a
change to the authen_* function prototypes, you may need to
change ones you've already written.
- First public release on CPAN, removed from Apache contrib.