Revision history for Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-BAREFOOT

0.04_02   2016-03-31 03:03:54-07:00 America/Los_Angeles (TRIAL RELEASE)

	* fix Pod::Weaver not being able to find distro name
	* fix bugtracker URLs

0.04_01   2015-05-30 03:05:29PDT-0700 America/Los_Angeles (TRIAL RELEASE)

	* "run" dzil via Perl code instead of calling via `system`
		because we can't guarantee installers will have it in their path

0.04      2015-05-29 13:39:55PDT-0700 America/Los_Angeles

	* add `provides` to meta; PAUSE can no longer get namespace from distname
	* refactor main class to use PerlX::Maybe
	* promote to full version

0.03_05   2013-05-06 00:41:17 PST8PDT
	* fix failing tests when installing from CPAN (GitHub #9)
	* check for unbumped version (GitHub #12)

0.03_04   2013-05-02 01:58:51 PST8PDT

	* complete the transmogrification of dist.ini
		(to make self-hosting: GitHub #2)

0.03_03   2013-04-28 14:41:58 PST8PDT

	* made plugins in the bundle match the dist.ini
		(first step toward fixing GitHub #2)

0.03_02   2013-04-27 23:30:18 PST8PDT

	* fixed build error when doing `dzil release`

0.03_01   2013-02-25 02:08:35 PST8PDT

	* added check for uncommitted files
	* fixed double commit on release [GitHub #1]
	* ditching README.pod in favor of (static) [GitHub #4]
	* adding dzil build dirs to Git ignore file

0.03      2013-02-21 12:47:46 PST8PDT

	*	added CheckChangesHasContent
	*	cleaned up Changes file

0.02      2013-02-21 12:36:12 PST8PDT

	*	added AutoPrereqs
		should fix the majority of the CPAN Testers failures

	*	change FakeRelease to UploadToCPAN

0.01      2012-12-26 14:07:42 America/Los_Angeles

	*	initial version
		shamelessly stolen from DAGOLDEN's plugin bundle
		(but with his permission)