Revision history for Perl extension Video::File::TVShow::Import.

0.01  Sun Nov 29 20:35:23 2015
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
		-XAn Video::File::TVShow::Import

0.20 Sunday May 6th 2018
	- Added features:

0.25 Friday May 11th 2018
	- Documentation update. No Changes to the code base implemented
	  - Also need to remember to update this file when changes are actually
			made to the version releases :)

0.30 Tuesday May 29th 2018
	- Added clearShowHash function. This makes the hash empty so that a new
		directory can be loaded within the same program without having to create
		a new Object.
	- Created an Examples folder with some sample programs.
	- Implemented recursive processing in processNewShows(); This can be enabled
		by calling $obj->recursion(1)
	  The default behaviour is to not do recursion.
	- Renamed 08TestSuccessfulImport.t to 06TestSuccessfulImport.t
	- Added 07TestRecursiveImport.t

	- Added the Carp Module to the list of required modules. Its been in use for
		a while.
	- Removed exceptionList as a global variable. We now pass a named variable
		to new()
	- Migrated to snake_case in order to fit normal perl coding style.
 	- Changed Import to Organize
	- Changed import_* to move_* for methods.
	- Dropped Video:: from the module naming. It now more simply File::TVShow::*

0.32 Sunday April 7th 2019
	- Removed Video::Filename as a requirement.
	- Now using my own module File::TVShow::Info to get information from Filename

	- No functional changes. This release is part of getting the module to passed
	CPAN tester tests.

	- Added tests to ensure that we can find 'rsync' if we are not able to finds
	this command. We abort any further tests and will not install. This should
	help with some of the CPAN testers.
	- Started using IPC::Cmd to determine if we can find and use 'rsync' command.