Changes for version 1.4.1 - 2024-02-04

  • Removed the quoting of the role and warehouse identifiers that was added to the Snowflake engine in v1.4.0. Turns out Snowflake allows a warehouse to be specified in a different database, in which case dots are valid in the name and should not be quoted! So users must properly quote when necessary, but added notes to `sqitchtutorial-snowflake.pod` on the need to use URI escapes for special characters. Thanks to Patrick Sabo for the find, and to @marc-marketparts for validating that URI encoding works.
  • Added notes on URL encoding database URLs to `sqitch-target.pod`, the main reference for database URLs in the Sqitch documentation.
  • Fixed the output of the list of changes to be deployed or reverted to actually require `--verbose` twice, as described in the v1.4.0 changes, and not just once. Thanks to Erik Wienhold for the PR (#785)!
  • Removed the duplicate change name from the output of the list of changes to be deployed or reverted with `-VV`. Thanks to Erik Wienhold for the PR (#787)!
  • Fixed invalid template resolution when adding a singe change to multiple engines at once. Thanks to Christian Riedel for the detailed bug report (#795)!
  • Fixed Oracle and Firebird test failures due to incorrect use of `chmod`. Thanks to Slaven Rezić for the report and the fix (#807)!
  • Tests now require Test::Warn 0.31 or later, as newline handling issues cause test failures in earlier versions. Thanks to Slaven Rezić for the test reports and for identifying the issue.
  • Updated the locale configuration to fix issues in more recent versions of Perl, and added tests to ensure that the sqitch CLI executes and properly emits localized messages (except on Windows, where the language codes are incompatible).
  • Fixed an issue where the MySQL engine failed to recognize the MariaDB `mysql` client installed by Homebrew on macOS. Thanks to Carlos Ramos for the bug report and PR (#791)!


Sqitch add usage statement
Add a database change to plans
Guide to using database authentication credentials with Sqitch
Sqitch bundle usage statement
Bundle a Sqitch project for distribution
Sqitch check usage statement
Checks for divergences between planned and deployed changes.
Sqitch checkout usage statement
Revert, checkout another VCS branch, and re-deploy changes
Sqitch config usage statement
Get and set local, user, or system Sqitch options
Hierarchical engine and target configuration
Sqitch deploy usage statement
Deploy changes to a database
Sqitch engine usage statement
Manage database engine configuration
Environment variables recognized by Sqitch
Sqitch help usage statement
Display help for Sqitch and Sqitch commands
Sqitch init usage statement
Create a new Sqitch project
Sqitch log usage statement
Show Sqitch change deployment logs
Guide to using database passwords with Sqitch
Sqitch plan usage statement
Show planned database changes
Sqitch rebase usage statement
Revert and redeploy database changes
Sqitch revert usage statement
Revert changes to a database
Sqitch rework usage statement
Rework a database change
Sqitch show usage statement
Show object information or script contents
Sqitch status usage statement
Show the current deployment status of a database
Sqitch tag usage statement
Create or list tag objects
Sqitch target usage statement
Manage target database configuration
Sqitch upgrade usage statement
Upgrade the registry to the current version
Sqitch verify usage statement
Verify deployed database changes
Sensible database change management
Specifying changes for Sqitch
List of common sqitch commands
List of common Sqitch guides
A tutorial introduction to Sqitch change management on Exasol
A tutorial introduction to Sqitch change management on Firebird
A tutorial introduction to Sqitch change management on MySQL
A tutorial introduction to Sqitch change management on Oracle
A tutorial introduction to Sqitch change management on Snowflake
A tutorial introduction to Sqitch change management on SQLite
A tutorial introduction to Sqitch change management on Vertica
A tutorial introduction to Sqitch change management on PostgreSQL
Sqitch usage statement


Sensible database change management
Sqitch Command support
Add a new change to Sqitch plans
Bundle Sqitch changes for distribution
Runs various checks and prints a report
Revert, change checkout a VCS branch, and redeploy
Get and set local, user, or system Sqitch options
Deploy Sqitch changes to a database
Add, modify, or list Sqitch database engines
Display help information about Sqitch
Initialize a Sqitch project
Show a database event log
List the changes in the plan
Revert and redeploy Sqitch changes
Revert Sqitch changes from a database
Rework a Sqitch change
Show Sqitch changes to a database
Display status information about Sqitch
Add or list tags in Sqitch plans
Add, modify, or list Sqitch target databases
Upgrade the Sqitch registry
Verify deployed Sqitch changes
Sqitch configuration management
Sqitch DateTime object
Sqitch Deployment Engine
Sqitch CockroachDB Engine
Sqitch Exasol Engine
Sqitch Firebird Engine
Sqitch MySQL Engine
Sqitch Oracle Engine
Sqitch PostgreSQL Engine
Sqitch Snowflake Engine
Sqitch SQLite Engine
Sqitch Vertica Engine
Format events and changes for command output
Sqitch Deployment Plan
Sqitch deployment plan blank line
Sqitch deployment plan tag
Sqitch deployment plan change list
Sqitch dependency specification
Sqitch deployment plan line
Sqitch deployment plan line list
Sqitch deployment plan blank line
Sqitch deployment plan tag
A command that connects to a target
A command that needs to know where things are
An engine based on the DBI
A command that reverts and deploys
A command that handles target-related configuration
Sqitch deployment target
Definition of attribute data types
Sqitch Exception class