Changes for Padre-Plugin-Moose

0.17  2012.3.3
	- Perl tidy and fix missing updated Changes.
	  Must have been sleeping when I released 0.16 (AZAWAWI)

0.16  2012.3.3
	- Removing the static box sizers from the design for a cleaner look (ADAMK)
	- Added missing $VERSION to ClassMember (ADAMK)
	- Completed plugin dependencies (ADAMK)
	- Added modal preferences dialog (AZAWAWI)
	- Renamed the dialog to "Moose Assistant" (AZAWAWI)
	- Added MooseX::Declare keyword syntax highlighting (AZAWAWI)
	- Added MooseX::Declare and Mouse snippets (AZAWAWI)
	- Added more documentation (AZAWAWI)
	- Switch from YAML::Tiny to YAML for stopping the leading whitespace loss (AZAWAWI)
	- Added t/eol.t author test (AZAWAWI)
	- Snippets YAML files is divided by type: Moose, Mouse and MooseX::Declare (AZAWAWI)
	- Added snippets checkbox to toggle functionality (AZAWAWI)

0.15  2012.2.29 (AZAWAWI)
	- Add Moose keywords highlighting
	- Add YAML-based TextMate-style Moose keyword snippet
	  completion (Thanks for El_Che and perigrin)
	- Added basic constructor/destructor support
	- Switch order of members tab to be most used first: attributes,
	  methods, subtypes, constructor and then destructor.
	- Inspector is now bigger since it is a scrolled window.
	- Fix q{editable inspector in Program node at startup} TODO
	- Dialog is no longer cramped (width is 750 instead of 640 pixels)

0.14  2012.2.27 (AZAWAWI)
	- Added MooseX::Declare code generation
	- Code generation options UI
	- Minimum dialog size is 640x480 and it is now resizable (bowtie++)
	- Ability to change generation code target (Moose, Mouse or MooseX::Declare) via a combo box
	- Fixed immutable/namespace::clean order (GabrielVieira++ for the bug report)
	- Perl tidy + Makefile.PL now includes plugin homepage as wiki page (bowtie++)

0.13  2012.2.27 (AZAWAWI)
	- Add Mouse support
	- Added method modifiers list completion
	- Added support for class attributes via MooseX::ClassAttribute
	- Added support for singletons via MooseX::Singleton
	- Inspector is now a scrolled window
	- Added to attributes the following options: coerce, does, weak_ref, 
	  lazy, builder, default, clearer, predicate, documentation.

0.12  2012.2.26 (AZAWAWI)
	- Delete key and right-click (context menu) now work on the delete option. 
	  No actual deletion is done at the moment
	- Add the UI/event hooks for constructor/destructor buttons.
	  No code generation at the moment
	- Choice combo list is now in inspector. (bowtie++ for the idea)

0.11  2012.2.24 (AZAWAWI)
	- New polished dialog UI :)
	- Added method modifiers (around, before, after)
	- Removed About button and moved its information to the dialog title

0.10  2012.2.24 (AZAWAWI)
	- Fixed future timestamp for recently released 0.09. Stupid old dev VM
	  image :)

0.09  2012.2.24 (AZAWAWI)
	- Escape regular expression while positioning the preview editor
	- Current editor theme is always applied. 
	- No need to hide controls. Let us do the right way and validate each action (bowtie++).
	- Use Moose sugar 'blessed' instead of Scalar::Util::blessed - which is the same but cooler :)
	- Fixed ellipsis in plugin manager (bowtie++)
	- Stop doing that grid focus automatically. It screws up navigation
	- Various POD updates regarding methods.
	- Clicking on a tree element scrolls to the first line of its generated code instead of the Padre-default centerize
	- About dialog is reusing ->message() and is modal friendly
	- ::Main now does('Padre::Wx::Role::Dialog'). Alias++
	- ::Role::CanHandleInspector now requires 'get_grid_data'. No global %INSPECTOR in ::Main
	- has 'attribute'; # is now supported, no default values. Just the basics :) Better attribute/subtype code generation
	- Each tree element knows how to handle the inspector via ::Role::CanHandleInspector
	- Various name refactoring and more roles in ::Role namespace

0.08  2012.2.23 (AZAWAWI)
	- Refactored the dialog to be modal and improved its UI
	- The dialog is resident until the plugin is disabled.
	- Generate closes the dialog but does not destroy your work. Added "reset" button
	- Class members can be added now when inside a class/role. There is no need to click on the parent again as before.
	- Disable adding class members when you're over Program node
	- Added q{ my $self = shift } to generated method body.
	- Subtype has now a base type and is usable now.

0.07  2012.2.22
	- Show the generated code that is related the currently selected element (AZAWAWI)
	- Added keyboard button accelerators and "Insert code" is now "Generate" (BOWTIE, AZAWAWI)
	- Added a simple inspector help text field that explains the current element (AZAWAWI)
	- The code generator is now called at startup  (AZAWAWI)
	- The buttons are shown/hidden instead of enabled/disabled  (AZAWAWI)
	- Inside Program elements, you can create class/role  (AZAWAWI)
	- Inside Class/Role elements, you can create attribute, subtype or method  (AZAWAWI)

0.06  2012.2.22  (HOTFIX to 0.05)
	- Tree item selection is now done in EVT_IDLE lifecycle to prevent deep recursion
	  when editing (AZAWAWI)

0.05  2012.2.22
	- Added Inspector edit mode (AZAWAWI)
	- Fixed Recommended order for namespace::clean (AZAWAWI)
	- Install share directory with MO files (AZAWAWI)
	- Add q{use Moose::Util::TypeConstraint} when needed (AZAWAWI)
	- q{Add Method} implemented (AZAWAWI)
	- Added Padre::Plugin::Moose::CodeGen role. Less POD cruft. Lazy loading. (AZAWAWI)

0.04  2012.2.21
	- Added namespace::clean as a dependency (AZAWAWI)
	- Fixed a role code generation bug (AZAWAWI)
	- Added Program Inspector (AZAWAWI)
	- Added Program Outline (AZAWAWI)
	- Basic Attribute/Subtype code generation (AZAWAWI)

0.03  2012.2.21
	- Fixed dialog not properly closing on non-win32 platforms (BOWTIE, AZAWAWI) 
	- Refactor variable names (AZAWAWI)
	- Sample code is now correct (AZAWAWI)
	- q{Moose} is now q{Moose...} :) (BOWTIE, AZAWAWI) 

0.02  2012.2.20
	The following feature list is here: (AZAWAWI)
		- Added Moose website/manual/cookbook hyperlinks
		- Added "Add class/role/attribute/subtype" tabs
		- Added code generation readonly preview editor
		- Added comments/main code generation checkboxes
		- Added insert code

0.01  2012.2.15
	- Initial release to CPAN (AZAWAWI)