[Changes for 0.31 - 2011-05-27]
* Introduce "selfvars::autoload", a helper module that makes it
possible to write Mojolicious applications with Dancer syntax.
[Changes for 0.22 - 2010-12-14]
* Add =encoding utf8 to POD; no functional changes.
[Changes for 0.21 - 2010-11-29]
* Improved POD for %hopts; no functional changes.
* Trying to mutate %hopts now fails with this error message:
"Modification of a read-only %hopts attempted"
which was erroneously listed as "%args" in 0.20.
[Changes for 0.20 - 2010-11-23]
* Added %hopts for ($self, key => value) styled calls:
package Foo;
use selfvars;
sub meth {
$self->{x} = $hopts{x};
# Call it like this:
$foo->meth(x => 4);
Contributed by Roman Galeev.
[Changes for 0.11 - 2010-07-09]
* LICENSING CHANGE: This compilation and all individual files in it
are now under the nullary CC0 1.0 Universal terms:
To the extent possible under law, 唐鳳 has waived all copyright and
related or neighboring rights to selfvars.
* Documentation fix: %opt stands for %{$_[1]}, not %{$_[0]}. (Luke Closs)
* Update minimum Perl version from 5.004 to 5.005 as required by Module::Install.
[Changes for 0.10 - 2007-12-29]
* Add support for %opts, an alias for named arguments in %{$_[1]}:
package Foo;
use selfvars;
sub meth {
$self->{x} = $opts{x};
# Call it like this:
$foo->meth({x => 4});
* Support for omitting the "undef" part in selective imports:
# Import $self and %opts but not @args
use selfvars -self, -opts;
[Changes for 0.06 - 2007-12-29]
* Minor test suite fixes for Perl 5.004/5.005 compatibility.
[Changes for 0.05 - 2007-12-28]
* You can now choose alternate names for $self and @args:
use selfvars -self => 'this', -args => 'vars';
[Changes for 0.04 - 2007-12-28]
* Further fixes for supporting Perl 5.005 and 5.004.
[Changes for 0.03 - 2007-12-28]
* Documented that $self and @args are read-only variables for now.
* @args is made truly read-only.
[Changes for 0.02 - 2007-12-28]
* Fix support for Perl 5.005 and 5.004.
[Changes for 0.01 - 2007-12-27]
* Initial release to CPAN of this six-minutes-old hack.