[Changes for 0.011 - Sat May  2 18:44:52 CST 2015]

* LICENSING CHANGE: This module is now in the public domain under
  CC0 1.0 Universal terms.
* Fix Module::Signature compatibility.

[Changes for 0.01]
[  8516] By: autrijus                              on 2003/10/21  07:04:37
        Log: * This be 0.01, initial CPAN release.
	   + MANIFEST Makefile.PL README t/0-signature.t
	   ! lib/WWW/REST.pm t/1-basic.t
[  8416] By: autrijus                              on 2003/10/15  07:31:47
        Log: * make it work under the new namespace.
             * switch to Class::Struct.
	   ! lib/WWW/REST.pm t/1-basic.t