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Revision history for Class-Dot

2.0_07 Mon Dec 17 18:40:04 GMT+2 2007 []
    - Added an optimization to the property inheritance traveral that is in
      effect if the class does not use inheritance.

2.0_06 Mon Dec 17 14:35:44 GMT+2 2007 []
    - Test coverage is now 98%

    - strict and warnings are now automatically imported when you load
      Class::Dot. This could potentially break code, but you did use strict
      and warnings, didn't you? (This feature was inspired by Moose).

    - Names for anonymous subroutines are properly set if Sub::Name is
      installed. This is very useful for debugging purposes.

    - Added extends() function. It works like {use base}, but doesn't have all
      the fields related business inside.

    - Added composite() function. Let's you use composition to define a has-a
      relationship to other classes. The composite class is automatically
      loaded and a property is made.


        composite another_class => 'AnotherClass';

      is the same as:

        property another_class => isa_Object('AnotherClass', auto => 1);

    - Types are now objects and you can get their type and default value by

        package MyClass;

        use Class::Dot qw(-new :std);

        property name => isa_String("hello world!");

        sub print_name_meta {
            my ($self) = @_;

            my $name_type = $self->__meta__('name');

            # Prints: String
            print "Name type: ", $name_type->type(), "\n";

            # Prints: hello world!
            print "Name defval: ", $name_type->default_value(), "\n";



2.0_05 Mon Dec 10 23:49:46 GMT+2 2007 []

    - The set accessors for properties named _property will no longer be
     set__property, but will have the more intuitive name _set_property.
     The same goes for __property and __set_property (which before got the
     name set___property).

    - You can now finalize your class to speed it up. After finalization
    the inheritance tree is pre-cached, and ISA will no longer be traversed.
    The backside is that you can't add any new properties after finalization.


        # To finalize any class from anywhere.

        # To finalize the class of an instance.

        # The see if a class is finalized or not.
        if ($instance->__is_finalized__) {
            print ref $instance, " is finalized";

    You would probably want to live without finalization.
    If you really need this, be really sure you need it by profiling
    your code and not by guessing.

2.0_04 Sat Oct 31 22:46:10 GMT+2 2007 []

    - New feature: You can now do chained accessors by using the -chained use
      option. Example:

        package Person;
        use Class::Dot qw(-new -chained :std);

        property name  => isa_String;
        property email => isa_String;
        property age   => isa_Int;

        package main;

        my $person = Person->new()

    - Module::Install updated to 0.68.

2.0_03 Tue Oct 30 01:19:37 GMT+2 2007 []

    - New and more readable SYNOPSIS.

    - A perl.vim syntax highlighting file for vim that also highlights
      'property' in contrib/vim/syntax. Read contrib/vim/README for more

    - Types separated from Class::Dot and moved into Class::Dot::Types.

2.0_02 Mon Oct 29 18:08:12 GMT+2 2007 []

    - License changed to the Modified BSD license,
      however if you ask me nicely I might give you permission to use
      it with another license.

    - Now using Module::Install instead of Module::Build.
      (there was problems with using version::qv with M::B).

    - New test script to make sure we are compatible with older perls.
      (Right now we try to make it work with perl 5.6.0, but if we like something
      that is not supported in 5.6.0 we will leave it for 5.8.1).

    - Had to move ./Build wikidoc functionality into it's own script. (Since
      we're not using Module::Build anymore).

    - I've started signing the distribution with my PGP key.

    - Bumped the META version we ensure specification for to 1.3. (was 1.2).

* Changed to BSD license.

2.0_01 Sun Oct 28 17:16:32 GMT+2 2007 []

    - Code cleanup.

    - Class::Dot now installs new methods to the object it creates:

        - __setattr__($self, $attribute_name, $value):
        Set a object attribute. This is great for those times when you want to
        do this:
            my %some_default_values = (
                'foo' => 'bar',
                'bar' => 'baz',
                'xuzzy' => 'fuzzy',
            while (my ($attr_name, $attr_value) = each %some_default_values) {
            my $set_attribute = 'set_' . $attr_name;
            if ($object->can($set_attribute)) {
                $object->$set_attribute( $attr_value );

        This isn't very pretty, so that's why you now can do this:

            while (my ($attr_name, $attr_value) = each %some_default_values) {
                $object->__setattr__($attr_name, $attr_value);

        - $val = __getattr__($self, $attribute_name)

        Get an attributes value.

        - $bool = __hasattr__($self, $attribute_name)

        Returns true if $self has the attribute $attribute_name.

    - Now you can't do this anymore;

        $object->{attribute} = $value;

    because now the attributes are better hidden in the object's hash.
    You can probably find out how they are saved by doing keys %{ $object },
    but we _recommend against accessing that hash directly_!.

    - Now you can override properties simply by writing;

        property name => isa_String('foo');

        sub name {
            my ($self) = @_;
            warn 'Accessing name property';
            return $self->__getattr__('name');

        sub set_name {
            my ($self, $new_name) = @_;
            warn $self->__getattr__('name') . " is changing name to $new_name";
            $self->__setattr__('name', $new_name);

    instead of using after_property_get() and after_property_set().

    (Note: Just be sure not to use property() in a BEGIN block, you have to use
    after_property_* to do that!)

1.0.5  Mon Oct 01 17:13:03 GMT+2 2007 []
    -  isa_File added (a Filehandle).
    -  isa_Code added (a code reference).
    -  Added import option: -rebuild.
       If you return something blessed from your BUILD method and -rebuild
       option is set, it will set $self to that.

1.0.4  Thu Sep 20 16:30:11 GMT+2 2007 []
    -  The created constructor (when using -new import tag option) didn't
       search ISA properly while setting properties using options to new().
    -  isa_Data now sets default value properly.

1.0.3  Thu Sep 12 16:55:48 GMT+2 2007 []
    -  isa_Int and isa_String set the initial value to 0 and q{} when no
       default value was defined, this resulted in `defined $property` to
       return true.

1.0.2  Tue Sep 12 10:13:04 GMT+2 2007 []
    -  Subversion now hosted at googlecode.

1.0.1  Tue Sep 11 24:36:32 GMT+2 2007 []
    -  isa_Object no longer automatically makes new objects if the property is
       not set. If you want that, use: isa_Object('My::Class', auto => 1);
    -  Fixed problems with isa_Object where it would try to make
       a new instance even though no default class was defined.

0.0.1  Sun Sep  9 02:22:58 GMT+2 2007 []
       Initial release.

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