Revision history for Lingua-EN-Titlecase
0.10 Mon Oct 20 18:34:33 PDT 2008
- Reorganized code a bit to accommodate easier subclassing for
customizing lexers.
- Made lexer() a settable part of object.
- Added ::HTML subclass - from a request by David Henkel at
0.09 Fri Jun 27 16:02:26 PDT 2008
- Didn't notice the META.yml wasn't getting cleared in builds, so
rebuilding just to update it from last December.
0.08 Fri Jun 27 14:43:01 PDT 2008
- Greg Lindahl pointed out that the setter of the string in a new
call wasn't working. Fixed.
- Added tests to keep it fixed and put test count into the test call.
- Found and fixed a couple very interesting bugs relating to
stringification and the title method when doing the tests too.
0.07 Sat Jun 21 16:34:42 PDT 2008
- Put missing datetime into 0.06 below.
- Switched to Module::Install.
- Switched use base --> use parent.
- Pod Fixes.
0.06 Wed Aug 22 15:22:01 PDT 2007
- Changed "alpha" reference to beta-ish.
- Quote tweak to this file in 0.03's entry.
- Added Class::Accessor::Fast to Makefile.PL PREREQ_PM.
- Took out some silly and redundant wantarray checks.
- Expanded POD.
- Removed uppercase() and lowercase(). Second was broken and
neither seem to belong anyway.
- Tweaked a couple test cases.
- Rearranged guts again to take rxes out of top package namespace
and put them into the object. Can be spiffier but that can wait.
- User can now set word_punctuation to differ from default [:punct:].
0.05 Tue Aug 21 10:11:56 PDT 2007
- Took out Perl::Critic test file. It was causing failures in the
CPAN tests even though it should skip if it's not installed.
0.04 Mon Aug 20 22:52:00 PDT 2007
- Totally changed the guts. Now a lexer queue drives it instead of
a single pass set of regexes. Looks a little spaghetti-ish but I
think it'll clean up nice and allow for a lot of easy add-ons
like dictionary hooks.
- Added List::Util to get "first" token in queue which is wordish
without a placeholding switch.
- Cleaned up wordish/wc regex.
- Mixed case terms with leading lowercase are now correctly
preserved if they are below the built-in or user-set threshold.
- Raised uppercase threshold from 0.9 to 0.95.
- Lowered mixedcase threshold from 0.3 to 0.25 based on some test
strings which show a pretty good breakpoint around 0.15.
- Removed unused accessors.
- A few small logic improvements in places like counting the real
length of the string for computing mixedcase and uppercase
0.03 Mon Aug 20 14:46:17 PDT 2007
- Changed the "apostrophe" to a single [[:punct:]]. This alters
behavior quite a bit. "Moo-ish" and "" are now
one word. They were two and three before. Mixed case matches
similarly differently too.
- I think to deal with stuff like "iPods on eBay!" the titlecase
method, and general handling, will have to be token-based. It
gets too messy, too quickly otherwise.
0.02 Mon Aug 20 01:12:17 PDT 2007
- Finding fault so quick: POD example updated with correct output.
0.01 Sun Aug 19 23:36:33 PDT 2007
- Initial release. Champagne for everyone but the dogs! Sparkling
wine for the dogs!