1.130350  2013-02-04 19:59:45 Europe/London
    Fix failing tests.
    Fix example code (#13).
    Fix parsing series data if there are zero or one episodes (#12).
    Add method to search by ID (#1, #14). Thanks fayland.

1.123160  2012-11-11 17:59:08 Europe/London
    Use HTTP::Online to test for online access when running tests.

1.122800  2012-10-06 17:30:17 Europe/London
    Specify HTTP user agent. [Tim De Pauw]
    Ensure cache path is untainted.
    Fix "Use of uninitialized value in pattern match (m//) at /.../WebService/TVDB/Episode.pm line 47".

1.122570  2012-09-13 18:57:22 Europe/London
    Fix dependency (File::Homedir should be File::HomeDir)

1.122460  2012-09-02 17:41:56 Europe/London
    Encode the POD for languages.
    Keep a local cache of series data. [Tim De Pauw]
    Implement a retry option when getting URL's. [Tim De Pauw]
    Enabling SuppressEmpty for XML::Simple (sets unknown episode overviews and banner ratings to undef instead of {}). [Tim De Pauw]

1.120740  2012-03-14 00:32:17 Europe/London
    Generate WebService::TVDB::Languages on build.
    Need at least Net::Ping 2.33 for testing.

1.120600  2012-02-29 10:42:26 Europe/London
    Fix failing tests when ~/.tvdb does not exist.

1.120580  2012-02-27 21:31:49 Europe/London
    Rename from Net::TVDB to WebService::TVDB (see http://blog.andrew-jones.com/2012/02/26/introducing-net-tvdb/#comments)
    Check thetvdb.com is up before running live tests.

1.120570  2012-02-26 21:18:44 Europe/London
    Initial version.