Revision history for Perl extension Mock::Apache.

0.09  2013-11-20
        - add @EXPORT_TAGS to Apache::Util in emulation

0.08  2013-11-01
        - split out emulation code into Mock::Apache::Emulation
        - split out mock client code into Mock::Apache::RmoteClient

0.07  2013-10-31
        - switch Makefile.PL to use Module::Install
        - add author test
        - fix bug in $r->status_line($newval)

0.06  2013-10-31
        - output from handlers is now captured
        - basic handling of status/content-type/content-length
        - new unit tests added

0.05  2013-10-30
        - expanded implementation

0.04  2013-10-29
        - expanded implementation

0.03  2013-10-28
        - expanded implementation

0.02  Tue Oct 15 16:40:00 2013
        - Added meta-information to suppress PAUSE indexing of
          Apache::* namespaces

0.01  Tue Oct 15 07:30:05 2013
        - Original version, poached from Apache::FakeRequest.