Revision history for Perl extension WWW::GoKGS.

0.21 Aug 21st, 2014


    - Add $tournament->{notes}, where $tournament denotes an element of


    - Add $result->{notes}

0.20 Jul 14th, 2014

  - Add WWW::GoKGS::Scraper::TzList
  - Add WWW::GoKGS#cookie_jar


    Remove time zone designators from times for games, i.e.,
    "2014-07-14T12:34Z" become "2014-07-14T12:34",
    since we don't know which time zone is used in KGS resources exactly.
    I mean, although KGS resources contains the abbreviated name of the time
    zone, such as "GMT" in the game arhchives, there are no standard rules
    to abbreviate the names. It's ambiguous. For example, "GMT" may be
    "Greenwich Mean Time" or "Ghana Mean Time".

    Fortunately, the time zone defaults to GMT (Greenwith Mean Time)
    unless we change our cookie settings by using KGS Time Zone Selector.
    If you want KGS resources to be stateless, do not use the selector.

0.19 Jul 7th, 2014

  - Add WWW::GoKGS::LibXML


    - Add WWW::GoKGS::Scraper#_tree_builder_class


    - WWW::GoKGS does not consult $ENV{WWW_GOKGS_LIBXML} anymore.
      Use WWW::GoKGS::LibXML instead.

0.18 Jul 6th, 2014

  - Add WWW::GoKGS#get




    - Rename WWW::GoKGS::Scrape#_build_scraper to #__build_scraper

0.17 Jul 2nd, 2014

  - WWW::GoKGS uses HTML::TreeBuilder::LibXML instead of
    HTML::TreeBuilder when $ENV{WWW_GOKGS_LIBXML} is true


    - Add tests for HTML::TreeBuilder::LibXML

0.16 Jun 30th, 2014


    - Simplify the BEGIN block of WWW::GoKGS
    - Rewrite tests under xt/ using Test::Base

0.15 Jun 29th, 2014


    - Give up implementing incomplete filtering system.
      Instead, you can use nice modules on CPAN, such as JSON::Path
      which allows you to search complicated data structure.
      The following instance methods were removed:

        * WWW::GoKGS#date_filter
        * WWW::GoKGS#html_filter
        * WWW::GoKGS::Scraper#add_filter
        * WWW::GoKGS::Scraper#run_filter
        * WWW::GoKGS::Scraper::GameArchives#add_filter
        * WWW::GoKGS::Scraper::TournInfo#add_filter
        * WWW::GoKGS::Scraper::TournEntrants#add_filter
        * WWW::GoKGS::Scraper::TournGames#add_filter

    - Give up implementing imperfect class-building system.
      The following class methods were removed:

        * WWW::GoKGS#mk_accessors
        * WWW::GoKGS#make_accessor
        * WWW::GoKGS#accessor_name_for
        * WWW::GoKGS#builder_name_for
        * WWW::GoKGS#known_paths

      Besides, the following instance methods become read-only:

        * WWW::GoKGS#game_archives
        * WWW::GoKGS#top_100
        * WWW::GoKGS#tourn_list
        * WWW::GoKGS#tourn_info
        * WWW::GoKGS#tourn_entrants
        * WWW::GoKGS#tourn_games

      In addition, the following instance methods were removed:

        * WWW::GoKGS#set_scraper

    - Sorry for your inconvenience. I decided to commit the terrible changes
      listed above to make this distribution maintainable.

0.14 Jun 26th, 2014

  - Add the following instance methods:
      * can_scrape
      * each_scraper
  - Add the following class methods:
      * known_paths


    - Scraper objects are not built lazily anymore,
      but are built when WWW::GoKGS object is created
    - Must pass a path included by known_paths() to mk_accessors()
    - #user_agent doesn't overwrite #user_agent attributes of
      all the scraper objects as a side effect anymore. You have to overwrite
      them explicitly by yourself.

0.13 Jun 24th, 2014

  - WWW::GoKGS#user_agent, #from, #date_filter and #html_filter
    become 'rw'
  - Add WWW::GoKGS#agent

0.12 Jun 23rd, 2014

  - WWW::GoKGS#user_agent defaults to LWP::RobotUA
    to avoid overloading the KGS server, while you can still set
    your own user agent.
  - Add #from which is used to construct LWP::RobotUA object.
    This attribute is required.

0.11 Jun 22nd, 2014



0.10 Jun 16th, 2014

  - Add LICENSE file
  - Add "paranoid" tests to author tests

0.09 Jun 15th, 2014

  - Switch to Module::Build
  - Add author tests
  - Tests require Time::Piece
  - Remove t/20_static.t since dynamic tests are run by Travis CI:

0.08 Jun 13th, 2014


    - Parse KGS dates such as "2/13/14 12:14 AM" properly

0.07 Jun 12th, 2014

  - Require Scalar::Util and String::CamelCase
  - Add the following class methods:
      * mk_accessors
      * accessor_name_for
      * builder_name_for
      * make_accessor
  - Add the following instance methods:
      * get_scraper
      * set_scraper
  - The following attributes become 'rw':
      * game_archives
      * top100
      * tourn_list
      * tourn_info
      * tourn_entrants
      * tourn_games

0.06 Jun 10th, 2014

  - Add ACKNOWLEDGE to document

0.05 Jun 8th, 2014

  - Add examples/gokgs.psgi
  - Add "use warnings FATAL => 'all'" to scrapers

0.04 Jun 7th, 2014

   - Add Scraper#get_filter, #add_filter and #run_filter
   - Scraper#scrape throws an exception if warnings are caught


    - Remove GoKGS#result_filter
    - Remove Scraper::GameArchives#date_filter and #result_filter
    - Remove Scraper::TournGames#date_filter and #result_filter
    - Remove Scraper::TournInfo#date_filter and #html_filter
    - Remove Scraper::TournEntrants#date_filter

0.03 Jun 6th, 2014

  - improve documentation


    - Scraper::TournGames#scrape parses "Bye" properly
      ($bye->{type} was invalid)

0.02 Jun 5th, 2014

  - Add Scraper::GameArchives#result_filter
  - Add Scraper::TournGames#result_filter
  - Add GoKGS#result_filter

0.01 May 22nd, 2014

  - initial version