2011-03-04  Hojung Youn  <amorette@cpan.org>

	it's not a stable version.

	* lib/Gtk2/Builder.pm: now you shoud build() your builder{}ed object
	to create an widget in this wrapper. inner builder blocks as a 'hav' argument
	are automatically builds before adding. <issue:0002>
	* lib/Gtk2/Builder.pm: some exception checks have been added, which handle
	whether functions are called for methods or not.
	* lib/Gtk2/Builder.pm: 'is_built' accessor added.

2011-03-02  Hojung Youn  <amorette@cpan.org>

	v0.001 released! :3

	* lib/Gtk2/Ex/Builder.pm: is a main module.
	* dist.ini: added prerequisites and notice that Class::Accessor supports
	moose-like keywords only from version 0.34.