Revision history for Tapper-TestSuite-AutoTest

4.1.0     2012-10-19
        - utility script to build standalone PAR executable
        - local file caching differenciates between users
        - adapt to new autotest version 0.14.* (but not 0.15 yet)
        - use autotest 0.14.3 as default
        - become independent from Tapper::* libs

4.0.1     2012-05-16
        - get 'host:guest' name in Tapper-metainfo
        - add metainfo from autotest data
        - upload autotest log+result files
        - improved download+temp file caching
        - use default Tapper ports
        - allow local file:// URLs for autotest client
        - big Dist::Zilla roundhouse kick

2011-11-24  Steffen Schwigon  <>

	* v3.0.11

	* allow local file:// autotest URLs for --source
	* improved download+temp file caching
	* upload autotest log+result files
	* add metainfo from autotest data

2011-04-07  Steffen Schwigon  <>

	* v3.0.10

	* rewritable shebang line
	* polish docs
	* [FIX] TAP for suite meta info
	* [FIX] source_url parameter expects a value now
	* alernative cp when rsync not available
	* release version++ roundhouse kick

2011-03-22 Steffen Schwigon <>

	* v3.0

	* first public CPAN release