Revision history for Tapper-Schema

4.1.0     2012-10-19
        * PostgreSQL support
        - [FIX] schema definition to also work with PostgreSQL
        - [FIX] rename table user into owner
        - [FIX] handle VIEWs with PostgreSQL schema upgrade
        - [FIX] increase sizes of most varchar fields
        - [FIX] compression handling of empty or NULL files
        - [FIX] slow ->first() usage

        * Features
        - [FEAT] table for denied hosts (for Tapper scheduler)
        - [FIX] more paranoid handling of wrong data
        - [FIX] add explicit indexes to deployment

4.0.2     2012-05-24
        - fix missing dependencies

4.0.1     2012-05-16
        - add transparently compressed reportfiles
        - add notification info
        - add deleted flag for queue and host
        - add owner field for report groups
        - add filter testruns by status
        - add type to state messages
        - remove producer from scheduler
        - Moved schema upgrade files to lib/auto/
        - big Dist::Zilla roundhouse kick

2011-05-02  Maik Hentsche <>
	* v3.0.11
	* lib/auto dir for upgrade scripts

2011-04-07  Steffen Schwigon  <>

	* v3.0.10

	* release version++ roundhouse kick

2011-03-10 Steffen Schwigon <>

	* v3.0.4

	* distro maintenance

	* upgrade files for ReportsDB 2.010037 and TestrunDB 2.010036
	* set created_at and updated_at automatically
	* [FIX] Get rid of a warning

2011-03-08 Steffen Schwigon <>

	* v3.0.2

	* ins Weltall geschleudert

	* Raise dependency to more stable DBIC

2011-03-02  Steffen Schwigon  <>

	* v3.0

	* first public CPAN release