Revision history for Lingua-PTD

0.16    2017-08-20
	- fixed 'do' code to cope with no . in @INC

1.15    2015-10-10
        - Fixed dependencies

1.14    2015-10-09
        - use utf8 in nat-ptd, fixing filtering issues.
        - add / to the characters allowed on nat-ptd query completion.

1.13    2014-10-15
        - Dzilification
        - Fixed problem with recent IO::Compress::Bzip2
        - Added toDmpXz option to nat-ptd script.
        - Added metadata to metacpan.

1.12    2014-05-22
        - Verbose mode now presents current task name.
        - Copyrights updated to 2014.

1.11    2013-06-16
        - Check for StarDict::Gen in the correct place.

1.10    2013-06-14
        - Add PTD export to StarDict.

1.09    2013-06-11
        - Fix Manifest.

1.08    2013-06-10
        - Bug fix on STDOUT closing in the bws and ucts functions.
        - Add PTD export to (OmegaT friendly) TSV format.

1.07    2013-04-16
        - Support utf8 on nat-ptd query.

1.06    2013-04-15
        - Some Term::ReadLine::Gnu need an argument.. weird.

1.05    2012-12-13
        - Use case folding instead of lowercasing.

1.04    2012-12-11
        - Fixed issues with unicode/lowercase.

1.03    2012-11-25
        - Still finding a bug with unicode strings and lowercase.
        - Force higher versions of Compress and Uncompress XZ.

1.02    2012-11-20
        - Trying to find a bug pointed by some cpan testers.
        - Fixed defined-or usage (requiring 5.10)

1.01    2012-11-13
        - Added 'parent' to prereq modules as some installations
          do not include it.

1.00    2012-10-27
        - Moved Lingua::NATools::PTD to Lingua::PTD for easier
          standalone use.