See for the most recent changes.
1.01 - 07-Jul-2018
* Added a license, bumped to 1.x
0.08 - 05-Jul-2018
* Updated to Test::Unit::Lite
* Cleaned up, removed unneeded dependencies
* Removed unused and untested drivers, they can be
in separate modules if necessary.
* Getting ready to push to CPAN once again. Not convenient to
install from github only.
0.04 - 28-May-2007
* Accepting IO::Handle as 'file' argument to allow for instance
building spreadsheets in memory (using IO::Scalar).
0.03 - 25-May-2007
* Formats are cached to improve performance in Excel
* 'content' in extended cell info blocks can be an array to simplify
headers creation and such.
0.02 - 7-May-2007
* 'width' added to set column widths
0.01 - 5-May-2007
* Original release