Revision history for Perl extension Term::Prompt.

0.01  Tue Jul 28 21:04:22 1998
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.18

0.02  Fri Oct 22 15:31:45 1999
	- bugfix for uppercase usage for XANCI types

0.03  Fri Oct 22 17:50:12 1999
	- bugfix for $/, uppercase usage for XANCI types

0.04  Thu Oct 28 06:40:45 EDT 1999
	- addition of f/F type; change from Term::Size to
	  Term::ReadKey's GetTerminalSize (more portable and
	  doesn't have to be a glob fed to it)

0.05  Wed Nov 10 13:21:03 EST 1999
	- Missing right bracket restored... my thanks to I have no idea how I didn't load in 0.04 
	  here and spot the problem...

0.06  Tue Nov 30 18:55:24 EST 1999
	- termwrap made EXPORT_OK, description added to manpage. Bug in
	  legalit not accepting 0 as legal fixed. Abbreviation code
	  modified to more efficient (copying off of Getopt::Long).