Revision history for Perl extension Filesys::SmbClientParser.

1.4  2001/05/30 07:58:42  alian
 - Add workgroup parameter (tkx to <> for suggestion)
 - Correct a bug with directory (double /) tks to  <>
 - Correct a bug with mput method : recurse used if needed <>
 - Correct quoting pb in get routine (tkx to <>)
 - Move and complete POD documentation
1.3  2001/04/19 17:01:10  alian
 - Remove CR/LF from 1.2 version (thanks to Sean Sirutis <>)

1.2  2001/04/15 15:20:50  alian
 - Correct mput subroutine wrongly defined as mget
 - Added DEBUG level
 - Add pod doc for User, Password, Share, Host
 - Added rename and pwd method
 - Changed $recurse in mget so that it is always defined after testing
 - Added Auth() method, an alternative to explicit give of user/passwd
 (like -A option in smbclient)
Thanks to for this features

0.3  2000/01/12 01:20:32  alian
  - Add methods mget and mput

0.01  Sat Nov 18 23:03:04 2000
  - original version; created by h2xs 1.19

0.2  2000/11/20 19:08:11  Administrateur
 - Correct path of smbclient in new
 - Correct arg when no password
 - Correct error in synopsis