Revision history for Template-Plugin-TwoStage
0.07 2014-08-21 11:39:34CEST+0200 Europe/Berlin (TRIAL RELEASE)
- doc improvements
- force in cases of nested TwoStage processed templates
a refresh also for modified inner templates
- module is now ready for releases with Dist::Zilla version 5.x
- use temporary TT caching directories for tests in order
to avoid directory permission problems when installing -
respectively testing - this module with different
user accounts on same box
- exclude module Template::Plugin::TwoStage::Test from
PAUSE indexing
0.06 2010-08-09 10:43:50 Europe/Berlin
- set DEBUG constant via environment variable
- debugging; support for extend_keys callback
method got mangled when introducing plugin
configuration via TT configuration hash
- moved repository to git and let Dist::Zilla
plugin bundle @Git and plugin BumpVersionFromGit
do the version bumping for us
0.05 2010-07-05
* dzil'ed the distribution
* reorganization and expansion of documentation
* introduced plugin configuration via TT configuration
* satisfied Perl::Critic a bit more
0.04 2010-06-08
* unicode support - decoded/encoded templates stay
decoded/encoded in their precompiled version
* the plugin now owns a specific provider object for
the retrieval of precompiled versions of templates -
this should make it compatible with any type
of provider class used in the TT object
* based sample code on an imaginary Catalyst application
* cleaned up docs a bit
* refactoring test definitions for Template::Test :
made use of -- name: xx -- mark up for labeling
test cases
0.03 2010-06-06
* precompiled versions are stored in binary mode now
bypassing any io layers, and making tests pass also on
win platforms (CRLF io layer issues)
* added missing LICENSE command to Makefile.PL
* consideration of undefined values when storing
precompilation keys together with precompiled
* fixing minor typos in docs
0.02 2009-04-02
* extended and clarified documentation
* prefer to rethrow template exceptions
* don't let TT stash variable 'TwoStage.precompile_mode'
- used to indicate precompilation stage in the stash -
interfere with default variable name for plugin object
'TwoStage' when instantiating the TwoStage plugin
without assigning it to a variable at the same time
("USE TwoStage;" vs. "USE cache = TwoStage;");
moved to variable name 'TwoStage_precompile_mode'
* give 1st stage caching files the file extension '.tt'
0.01 2008-10-01
bumped up version to first non-developer release
0.01_02 2008-09-25 - developer release
* added dependency on
* made constants declarations compatible with version
1.02 of included in perl version 5.62
( we were moving away from declaration of multiple
constants in a single statement )
0.01_01 2008-09-20 - developer release
initial upload to cpan