Revision history for Perl extension HTML::Table.
05 February 2008
- Fixed error in setSectionRowWidth.
Request from Ravi Kondamuru <ravikondamuru at>
04 February 2008
- Changed status from beta to full.
- Fixed error in setCellHeight.
Request from Ravi Kondamuru <ravikondamuru at>
09 October 2007
- Removed text output when empty table is printed.
Request from Erik Tank <erik at>
17 September 2007
- Changed order of output for table sections, to comply with the HTML 4.01 standard.
13 September 2007
- Added THEAD, TFOOT and TBODY sections.
Request from Miguel Santinho <msantinho at>.
There are now methods that take a section and section number as parameters.
ie. setSectionCell ( 'tbody', 0, 2, 3, 'Cell 2,3');
Existing methods default to working on the first tbody section, for backwards
You can have only one each of tfoot and thead sections, but multiple tbody sections.
4 June 2007
- Added patch for even/odd row class support, supplied by Chris Weyl
Thanks to Chris Weyl <cweyl at> for this patch.
15 March 2007
- Fixed code so that all HTML tags and attributes are in lower case.
23 January 2006
- AUTOLOAD method was making the module sliently ignore calls to invalid
Thanks to Gordon Lack <gml4410 at> for the fix.
6 December 2005
- Added get methods for Style attributes.
Thanks to Douglas Riordan <doug.riordan at> for this.
18 March 2004
- Changed the history section in the POD to add the original author's consent for
the adoption of the module by Anthony Peacock.
Thanks to Stacy Lacey <stacy-lacy at> for this.
- Beta testing over, promote this version to production.
18 Feb 2004
- Bug in getTable method, when using row attributes.
Thanks to Piotr Kodizis <Piotr.Kodzis at> for bug report and fix
19 Nov 2003
- Bug in sort routine caused by change to new data structure.
Thanks to Brad Rubenstein <Brad at> for bug report and fix
24 Oct 2003
- First beta test version of the 2.xx strand. This version introduces a
new internal representation for the table data and attributes which
should make maintenance and development much easier.
1.20 22 Oct 2003
- Changed setRowVAlign to set the attribute in the TR tag instead of in each
TD tag.
Fixed by Anthony Peacock <a.peacock at>
- Changed setRowNoWrap to set the attribute in the TR tag instead of in each
TD tag.
Fixed by Anthony Peacock <a.peacock at>
- Changed all of the set* methods to accept -1 as a col or row reference.
Where -1 is used, the method will work on the last row or col.
Fixed by Anthony Peacock <a.peacock at>
- Updated the documentation to include the setLast methods (added July 2002!)
and the -1 col/row parameter change.
Fixed by Anthony Peacock <a.peacock at>
1.19 22 Aug 2003
- Added MIDDLE and BASELINE parameters to setCellVAlign.
Thanks to Alejandro Juarez <alex at BSDCoders.Org> for adding this
1.18a 9 May 2003
- Fixed bug in new method, where specifying -rows and -head or -data caused
unexpected behaviour.
Thanks to Tom Brown <rvvs30 at> for finding this
1.18 6 May 2003
- Improved sort method.
Thanks to David Link <dvlink at> for this addition
1.17 2 September 2002
- Added the 'head' parameter to the new method.
Thanks to Tommi Maekitalo <t.maekitalo at> for this addition
- Added the ability to initialise the table from an array ref to the new
Thanks to Tommi Maekitalo <t.maekitalo at> for this addition
1.16 22 July 2002
- Method setCellSpan was documented but not implemented.
Thanks to David Link <dvlink at> for finding this
- Added methods setClass|setCellClass|setRowClass|setColClass.
Thanks to Al Tobey <albert.tobey at> for suggesting this
- Added method sort. Sorts a table by the values of a specified column.
Sort can be numeric or alphanumeric, ascending or descending.
Thanks to David Link <dvlink at> for this addition
- Added versions of the setCell|Row|Col methods, setLastCell|Row|Col.
These automatically apply the method to the last Cell|Row|Col in the table.
Thanks to Paul Vernaza <vernaza at> for this addition
- Added quotes around caption style parameter.
Thanks to Ville Skyttä <ville.skytta at> for fixing this
- Changed the <br> tag to <br /> in _getTableHashValues.
Thanks to Ville Skyttä <ville.skytta at> for fixing this
1.15 6 March 2002
- Method setStyle missing although documented.
Thanks to Hendrik Frenzel <hfrenzel at> for finding this
1.14 27 Feb 2002
- Spurious double quote in the output after user defined table attributes
Thanks to Benjamin Longuet <longuet at> for fixing this
- Table align wasn't working
Thanks to Benjamin Longuet <longuet at> for fixing this
- setColHeight was actually setting the column width
Thanks to Benjamin Longuet <longuet at> for fixing this
- setColAttr was documented but didn't actually exist
Thanks to Benjamin Longuet <longuet at> for fixing this
1.13 10 Jan 2002
- Added methods to set the style attribute of tables, rows, cols and cells
Thanks to Arno Teunisse <Arno.Teunisse at> for this modification
- setRowBGColor and setRowAlign are now more efficient
Thanks to Arno Teunisse <Arno.Teunisse at> for this modification
- Added method to set the rules and align attributes for tables
Thanks to Arno Teunisse <Arno.Teunisse at> for this modification
1.12a 24 Oct 2001
- Fixed small bug in attribute quotiung code, that showed up with spanned cells.
1.12 23 Oct 2001
- Changed _is_integer to _is_validnum.
Thanks to Terrence Brown <terrence at> for this modification
- Changed faulty behaviour of numeric parameters to the new method. They
where treating a value of 0 as false, and using the default value.
Thanks to Terrence Brown <terrence at> for this modification
- Changed all tags and attributes to print in lowercase.
Thanks to Terrence Brown <terrence at> for this modification
- All attribute values are now surounded by quotes.
Thanks to Terrence Brown <terrence at> for this modification
- Small documentation changes.
1.11 10 Aug 2001
- getTable was returning 0 (zero) for an empty table, now just plain
Suggested by Adrian Bridgett <adrian at>
1.10 06 Aug 2001
- Added getTableRows and getTableCols.
Suggested by Joerg Jaspert <joerg at>
1.09 23 May 2001
- Fixed bug in setRowHeight, which was mistakenly setting the width.
Thanks to Rodger Allen <r.allen at> for pointing this out
1.08 15 May 2001
- Fixed bug in autoGrow method, that failed to switch off autoGrow
when called with the integer 0.
1.07d 15 May 2001
- Fixed minor bug in setCaption that issued unwarrented warnings
under use warnings, if the optional second parameter was
1.07c 15 May 2001
- Fixed bug in setCellRowSpan and setCellColSpan, with 'autogrow'
enabled. This failed to properly autogrow the table if a span
went outside the current table limits.
Thanks to Mike Laufer <mikepl at> for pointing
this out
1.07b 7 March 2001
- Fixed bug in getTable method, not outputing cell contents of '0'.
Thanks to Venkataramana Mokkapati <mvr707 at> for pointing
this out
1.07a 1 March 2001
- Fixed bug in new method, rows and cols parameters were not being
1.07 23 February 2001
- Some general tidying up of both the documentation and code
- Added methods setCellFormat, setRowFormat and setColFormat. These
set cell formatting strings that will be appended and prepended to
the cell contents.
- Created Row and Col versions of all relevant methods, this makes the
interface more consistent.
1.06 13 February 2001
- Some general tidying up of both the documentation and code
- Method setCell will now automatically increase the table size if the
row/col parameters are larger than the current table size
(this can be turned off using the autoGrow method)
**** NB This new behaviour may break existing code ****
Thanks to John Stumbles <john at> for this modification.
- New method autoGrow used to control the behaviour of the setCell method
Thanks to John Stumbles <john at> for this modification.
- Error checking for parameters is now case-independent
Thanks to John Stumbles <john at> for this suggestion.
- All error messages now end in a newline (\n)
Thanks to John Stumbles <john at> for this modification.
- New method setColBGColor
Thanks to Jay Flaherty <fty at> for this modification.
- New methods setCellHead, setColHead
Thanks to Jay Flaherty <fty at> for this modification.
- The new method can now take a hash of parameters (see the documentation)
Thanks to Jay Flaherty <fty at> for this modification.
1.05a 8 February 2001
- Small corection to the documentation.
Thanks to John Stumbles <j.d.stumbles at> for pointing this
1.05 6 February 2001
- Fix to prevent warnings if cell content is undefined.
Thanks to Boris Zentner <boris at> for this suggestion.
- Fix to allow cell widths to be defined using percentage values.
Thanks to Boris Zentner <boris at> for this suggestion.
1.04a 4 December 2000
- Changed documentation, added reference to Japanese translation.
1.04 17 August 2000
- Minor change to remove 'uninitialized variable' warning when working
with -w
1.03 13 July 2000
- Overloaded the "" string interpolation operator onto the getTable method.
This alows the use of the object reference 'in-line' in strings.
Thanks to "B. K. Oxley" <binkley at> for this suggestion.
1.02 12 July 2000
- Changed setBorder, setCellPadding, setCellSpacing code to allow the
attribute to take zero (0) values.
1.01 7th July 2000
- Minor changes to the documentation section of
1.00 5th July 2000
- New maintainer, Anthony Peacock (a.peacock at
- Added method - getCell(row_num, col_num) - to return the contents of
the specified cell as a string. (a.peacock at
0.90 27th January 1998
- original version created by Stacy Lacy