Revision history for Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-Author-AJNN
0.07 2024-04-15
- Add git contributors to meta and pod
- Use an HTTP link instead of an SMTP address in the pod author section
- Add readme support for main modules with separate .pod files
- Use Leftovers instead of Generic in PodWeaver
0.06 2023-11-14
- Put OVERVIEW before SYNOPSIS in pod
- Update metacpan link in readme
0.05 2023-01-04
- Fix PruneAliases test failure
0.04 2023-01-01
- Fix broken logic for -remove attribute
- Add MetaNoIndex plugin if t/lib is present
- Remove Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::AJNN::PruneAliases
0.03 2022-07-03
- Deprecate Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::AJNN::PruneAliases
- Add -remove attribute (workaround for Dist::Zilla RT 81958)
- Remove readme attribute
- Add cpan_release attribute
- Add GatherDir.exclude_match attribute
- Exclude dist.ini from gathered files
- Require a Software::License version that supports spdx_expression
0.02 2022-03-06
- Fix PruneAliases test failure on non-Mac systems
- Add cpanfile to repository to aid bootstrapping
0.01 2022-03-03
- initial release