Revision history for Perl extension String::CRC::Cksum.

0.03  Tue Oct 28 14:47:47 2003
        - trivial optimisation in add() method
        - fixed documentation to show \*FILE instead of
          *FILE. Am I missing some way to differentiate
          a *GLOB from a string passed into a sub which
          does not have a prototype?

0.02  Tue Oct 28 12:49:24 2003
        - now requires Perl 5.6.1 at least...
        - converted to an OO style, and used it to provide
          the original functional call for your convenience
        - bucket-loads of new POD. I think it's complete;
          an easy assertion to make for such a simple module.
        - plugged in tests for the OO style, and attempted
          to distance the tests from platform issues
        - created the tarball with appropriate paths!

0.01  Wed Oct 22 10:29:01 2003
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.22 with options
		-AX -n String::CRC::Cksum