DBD::Informix for DBI - Written by Alligator Descartes <descarte@mcqueen.com>

18/08/95:	Started. 

		Version 0.0.0 ( Totally pre-alpha! )

17/10/95:15:39	After a good break of about a month and a half, back in the

		We have data from SELECTs coming back from the database!

		Released 0.20pl0 Disney on ftp.mcqueen.com. Limited hacker

14/04/96:18:04	Added support for CREATE, DROP, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE.
		Fixed $DBI::errnum and $DBI::errstr problems
		Fixed Informix.pm to stop reporting MSQL_HOME errors
		Fixed Makefile.PL
		Removed hacky 'build' file and uses Makefile.PL exclusively


01/09/95: 	Fixed truncated INTEGER bug. Other numerical types still
		screwed. Patch on the way.


09/09/96:	Added @ary = $drh->func( '_ListDBs' ); method for getting
		a list of extant databases on the local Informix server.
		( From original code and suggestion by 
                  George.Vicherek@Sciatl.COM )

10/09/96:	Fixed all numeric types to return correctly. CHAR fields don't
		quite behave as planned, or perhaps they do. Added 'multicursor'
		test which proves that simultanous multiple cursors fails