Revision history for Perl extension HTML::Perlinfo
1.41 Changes:
- POD fixes and removal of 'use lib' from
1.40 Changes:
- Major reorganization of code.
* Added to handle info methods
* CSS methods removed. They can only be changed in the constructor now.
* Transplanted pod from HTML::Perlinfo::HTML into HTML::Perlinfo::HTML.pod.
* Renamed to
* Various pod updates to HTML::Perlinfo::Modules and HTML.pod
* Removed info_modules test and created separate test for HTML::Perlinfo::Modules
* Turned HTML::Perlinfo::Apache into an internal module
* Various improvements to Apache detection
* mod_perl version is now listed in info_all and info_apache
* Removed no_links method and added universal links parameter
* Added header and full_page attributes
- HTML::Perlinfo::Modules:
* Renamed named parameters 'show' and 'sort' to 'from' and 'sort_by' respectively.
* The form parameter only accepts a directory or an array ref
* Created the show_only, show_inc, show_dir, and section parameters
* Improved the directory listing in the search summary
Bug fixes:
* Default links to the local file system have been removed. The links attribute can now turn them on.
1.25 Changes:
- Added HTML::Perlinfo::Modules version 1.0. This is the most significant change.
- Moved the HTML docs to HTML::Perlinfo::HTML.
- Made HTML::Perlinfo::Credits and HTML::Perlinfo::HTML internal modules
- Removed Data-Dumper
- Updated docs
Bug fixes:
- Fixed Apache version reporting
- Fixed failure to show more than 2 duplicate modules
- Cleaned up some code that caused a few warnings in and
- Moved links to a new links sub. Added no_links method.
- Added title method. Cleaned up some css code
- Added variable extraction for Apache version
- Made module version detection to be more silent with problems
- Simplified module directories listing
- Removed a potentially problematic test
- Updated pod and added security section
1.00 Thu Aug 18 12:58:36 2005
- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
-A -X -n HTML::Perlinfo