Revision history for StatsView
1.1 Tue 25 May 1999
Added scrollable pane for instance selection
Fixed bug in date handling and dalight savings time
Added support for mpstat output
1.0 Thu 28 Jan 1999
First non-beta release
Fixed closure bug in Graph::Sar
Bundled with gnuplot 3.7
0.7 beta Fri 1 Jan 1999
Added start/end selection
Changed timestamp format from string to Unix time_t
Added start/finish tabs to sv dialogs
Changed structure of StavsView::Graph subclasses
Subclass .pm files under StatsView::Graph are searched for at run-time
Subclass new methods return undef if the passed file is not recognised,
or an initialised object if it is.
0.6 beta Mon 7 Dec 1998
First public release
Code under source control
Directory struture changes to source tree
Changes to StatsView::Graph interface to enable easier scripting
Rudimentary documentation added
Integrated monitoring added
iost+ parser added
Various bugfixes
0.2-0.5 beta
Various internal releases
0.1 beta Tue Dec 16 1997
Original version