Version 2014120401 Thu Dec  4 17:03:50 CET 2014
+ Removed Kwalitee tests.
+ Use the procedurial interface of Lingua::EN::Numbers instead of OO one.

Version 2009110701
+ Only 5.006 is required, not 5.010.

Version 2009110601
+ Modernized Makefile.PL
+ Added POD and Kwalitee tests

Version 2009040201
+ Make it work with Lingua::EN::Numbers 1.01.
+ Move to /lib.
+ Move tests to /t
+ Make Lingua::EN::Numbers a pre-req.
+ Document.

Revision 1.2  1999/11/07 15:17:34  abigail
+ Worked around a bug (0 -> 'zero') in Lingua::EN::Numbers.

Revision 1.1  1999/11/07 14:59:14  abigail
+ Initial revision