2003-07-15  Alasdair Allan <aa@astro.ex.ac.uk>

         * Build.pm: Added score_response() method to generate a scoring
           response message.
         * Parse.pm: Added port() and host() methods to retrieve the
           originiating host and port from a parsed RTML message
2003-06-27  Alasdair Allan <aa@astro.ex.ac.uk>

         * Build.pm: Fixed the request_observation() routine to handle SNR
           and Flux correctly.
         * Build.pm: Fixed so that it actually takes acount of the host
           parameter passed when the object is created. It was ignoring it
           and setting the IA host to $host = hostname() . "." . hostdomain();
2003-06-10  Alasdair Allan <aa@astro.ex.ac.uk>

         * Parse.pm: Fixed ra() and dec() which were incorrectly looking
           for a 'tag_value' keyword inside the Coordinates subtag. Added
           flux() method.
2003-06-03  Alasdair Allan <aa@astro.ex.ac.uk>

        * Build.pm: Added support for Signal-to-noise requests in addition
          to straight exposure time requests. Removed freeze() function.

        * Parse.pm: Added support for Signal-to-noise.
        * RTML.pm: Added support for RTML documents from scalars as well as
          from a file.
2002-03-29  Alasdair Allan <aa@astro.ex.ac.uk>

        * Added freeze() functions for persistent store
2002-03-28  Alasdair Allan <aa@astro.ex.ac.uk>

        * Parse.pm: Added a whole bunch of query methods needed by
          the IA to rebuild follow on requests.
2002-03-22  Alasdair Allan <aa@astro.ex.ac.uk>

        * Working version, ready to ship as an alpha.
2002-03-18  Alasdair Allan <aa@astro.ex.ac.uk>

        * Working system which will move the telescope, when combined
          with eSTAR::IO modules. Added observation.pl and server.pl
          scripts to module (should make separate?).
        * Build.pm: Minmal set of tags should be in palce.
2002-03-17  Alasdair Allan <aa@astro.ex.ac.uk>

        * Build.pm: Basic RTML construction for "score" and "request"
          documents in place.
        * Parse.pm: Added score() and time() methods needed to build
          the observing request RTML message.  

2002-03-17  Alasdair Allan <aa@astro.ex.ac.uk>

        * Parse.pm: Parsing routine folded back so that no tags need mentioned
          specifically by name, should now parse RTML reliably without missing
          any "suprise" tags. However the parsing routine isn't properly
          recursive so it will run out of steam four levels down the tree.
          While we currently don't need this much recursion, if we ever do
          it might be worth replacing the current _parse_tag routine with
          something properly recursive. Right now I'm too lazy...

          Value query methods except for dtd() and type() not yet implemented,
          I'll do it as I go along and actually need the values. I'll pass
          back something easy to interprate rather than the current tree
          structure held in $self->{DOCUMENT}.
        * t/parse.t: Not entirely a proper harness, while it parses the
          documents in t/rtml/* it doesn't check for values except the 
          values of $self->{DTD} and $self->{TYPE}.
        * r/rtml/*: Test documents added.
2002-03-14  Alasdair Allan <aa@astro.ex.ac.uk>

        * Most of the parsing stuff implemented, no message creation code.
        * RTML.pm: Can now read an RTML message from a file and determine
          the message type. 
        * Parse/Parse.pm: In progress, most of the way there, with some
          glaring exceptions. Parsing code is awful, really should implement
          it as a recursive function to navigate tree passed from RTML.pm
          module. Unfortunately I think I'm going to have to "tinker" with
          it for certain commands, a generic recusrsive function could quickly
          get icky in this case.
        * Original version.